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Vehicle Model Help

[LC] C2

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I'm in need of serious help. I modeled a vehicle, UVmapped and textured it, and I just need it to be exported and made to work as a vehicle, just, like the N1, or DeathOrb, or even an X-Wing, anything to make it work.


I would really appreciate it, seriously, so much, if someone could get this model I made (a hovercraft from the matrix) into a JKA vehicle. You could use the N1 or DeathOrb physics or whatever is the easiest. Doesn't need weapons, if it needs to have it just make it like the N1. I already UVMapped and textured it the way

I want it, so all I need is the export to make it playable and whatever else vehicles need. I have no clue nor the proper tools to work this, and if you could do this I would be so very happy.




MSN: c2@clanlc.com

E-mail: ^-same

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You have to Bone the Vehicle then set the properties in the Public tools. Im unfamilar with the tools for Jedi Academy so I cant provide much more information than that.


You might beable to take the bones from an AT-ST or another vehicle used in Jedi Academy and apply them to your model.

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No, it's much easier than that.


I could've done it if my 3DS Max trial didn't run out. tFighterPilot did it for me, then sent me the files. It's all working. =P


GamingForums is much more active than simply LucasForums.


I got this done in about 10 minutes from my post there. :p


Nitrogen didn't know how to make vehicles, and he's busy. Oh, and Minas Tirith was cancelled, too much of a project, I quit it. Moved on to others, like the SSBM TC, and my vehicle.

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hey C2, if i can contact you, i can give you something that will allow you to keep your 3ds max 6 (ahem cd key :D). And can you ask Nitrogen or any of your modellers if they have any plugins for 3ds max 6?

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  • 2 weeks later...

lol, well the cd key i have is an extra one, not illegally made or keygen thingy, my cousin's (28 years old) who got into using another program instead of 3ds max so i got his cd key :), but i already have one myself, the trial version =)

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