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EMI with OS X?


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I'm having an issue running EMI under the Classic environment in OS 10.3.2. Namely, the cutscenes show up as black screens--no video, but I have sound.


I've tried just about everything--full install, minimum install, patching the game with the two patches provided by Aspyr (the second of which wouldn't install), switching from 32bit graphics to 16bit (which only made the problem worse--the game won't start at all under 16bit), and running another copy of the game which had been installed when I was still using my old computer with OS 9.1.


I suspect that what's going on is a graphics card problem with the cutscenes, since the rest of the game runs just fine. It's just a theory, though, and I can't get any verification from Aspyr--they insist that the game shouldn't be running in OS X at all.


My system specs are as follows:


1.25Ghz PowerPC G4


nVIDIA GeForce FX 5200 with 64MB VRAM.


Any help anybody could offer would be much appreciated. Thanks.

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