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Remi last won the day on June 15

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  1. Turns out there are some good answers in there:
  2. Hah, I have a save game right around there, so I'll see if I can grab a video of it. Thanks for reading!
  3. Serves you right, really.
  4. Yes: https://twitter.com/SlappyCromwell/status/1132416758982356993 It is, however, so flimsy that I haven’t taken that chance yet.
  5. All I can assume is that it broke because of so many people simultaneously using it. Now, however, it once again works.
  6. Ronzo posts information about it pretty frequently -- a lot of that article goes back to last year. A nice little detail: You can’t keep a good Wally hangin' around.
  7. https://scummbar.com/game/the-curse-of-monkey-island/trivia What do you mean shameless plug? 😒
  8. I started putting together a script to assemble the backgrounds. An example of the output: It'll take some work to put in place the logic for some of the more complex locations, but I'll be looking at it over the next week or so.
  9. I think that looks good. Going by assumption, it'd be hard to perfectly put together the backgrounds from assets because of the dynamic light sources, etc. I was going to look at doing it programmatically -- minus aforementioned complexities -- but haven't gotten around to it yet.
  10. Can’t believe I have to spell it out for the proletariat. 😒
  11. Now waiting for NYT to shut us down.
  12. Thrik gave us marching orders to post this here...
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