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XWA community is dying...

Guest Cloud

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Guest Cloud

I notice that XWA in the zone is not exactly that full as it used to be. Also this website doesn't seem to be update that much... How long do you think XWA will last? I wish they just make one more game, just ONE more game that has an improve detail skirmish mission creator and famous battles (Deathstar Trench, Battle of Hoth, improve Battle of Endor) and maybe better graphics. X-Wings and TIE Fighters (plus Stat Destroyers) will awesomes be the most remorable ships of star wars history. They are way much cooler than the episode 1 ships....

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First of all LA is no longer supporting XWA, and it will no longer do a X-wing series game. The only thing that is keeping XWA alive is the great ppl that are creating missions, and adding new ships. Online gaming is pretty much the same it was 6 months ago, typicall on the zone there are 50 ppl during 5pm EST, and duing Weeks of War there can be upwards of 90 ppl on the XWA zone. PPl have created online squadrons to continue the joy of playing the game, both online, and for Single player. Dont give up, its still there.

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Guest Forceflow

Well, in case the XWA Upgrade project is really finished (and damn, right now it really looks like it) It's going to give XWA a real kick.


Maybe then LA will finally realize people are really in need for a mission pack for XWA!



The home for the fighters!

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Guest Carolina Jedi

Now now we dont want to make Cloud the next me



"Why does it feel the same to fall in love and break it off, and if young love is just a game then, I must have missed the kickoff."

-Blink 182 "Going away to college"

yeah i know your weeping now

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Guest Cloud

The next me? What do you mean by that? Also why is that immature for posting something like that? Anyway I do think XWA will stay alive for some time,but the question is how long? There's gonna be an episode 1 flight simulator coming soon....,but will it be good as the X-Wing series...?

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Guest Sheldon

I foresee a game that resembles Rogue Squadron....



"Never regret growing old. 'Tis a privilege denied to many."


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Guest garyah99

With over a thousand members and 27 active topics, I'd hardly say it's dead!! And from what I've read about the "new" Ep 1 flight sim, it's in the rumour/planning stages, and if/when it's finished, it will only run on the highest end PC's and next generation consoles. I'm sure as heck NOT going to spend thousands of dollars in a Computer upgrade just for the privalege of playing a game that may, or may not be what it's purported to be. Let's face it, Lucasarts rep at this point isn't the greatest.



Every time I think I've found the end of the rainbow...I trip over it.


[This message has been edited by garyah99 (edited April 26, 2000).]


[This message has been edited by garyah99 (edited April 26, 2000).]

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Sadly there will be no more games in the X-Wing series. What I did was make sure I have all the X-Wing series games. The X-Wing Collector Series with the Windows 95 versions of X-Wing and Tie Fighter, XvT & BoP, & X-Wing Alliance. There are over 350 missions in all the games combined. I'm playing X-Wing for the first time and then I'm going to play XWA for the second time and then Tie Fighter for the first time. Then I will be ready to play XvT & BoP for the second time. With work and school I have little time to play. I'm sure a lot of you have played these games numerous times.



My Dream, to fly a starfighter and destroy Imperial ships

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Guest Ms. Talon

Well, we've played all the X-Wing srries games and the ONLY one that still exixts in our harddrive is XWA. The older games just don't measure up anymore, and with AlliED you can certainly import all those missions into XWA and improve on them, and of course there is still our battleset anthologies which has 36 new missions; or 54 if you have NCA...so for the un-initiated there are still plenty of missions to play in XWA. (Just get the files from our homepage, not from thr archives here.)


As for the upcoming Ep1 flight sim I can't see how they are going to make a full sim with the limited number of ships from Ep1. I think it may be more of an arcade-style game (ugh!!!...it will be like; how many tiny droid-fighters can you pick off and how quickly!). In fact, all of their recent titles have been geared towards the mass/novice market! So I fear that that will be the case for LA games in the forseeable future. Sad but true.







[This message has been edited by Ms. Talon (edited April 26, 2000).]

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Guest Cloud

I'm getting a Playstation 2 when it comes out, so I have to wait and see what that game is going to be like. As for the episode 1 games, yes most of them aren't really that good (except Jedi Power Battles. That game was fun, not only that but it had coop play. I love coop play... especially in XWA. Where I can say stuff like "watch your six!" "All wings report in" "Accelerate to attack speed!" etc.). I will however continue to play XWA. By the way, you should said you can convert missions from the original X-Wing to X-Wing alliance, can you convert the Deathstar mission to XWA? I would love to play that in XWA with better grahpics and a better flight engine...

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Guest Carolina Jedi

Cloud ask Ms.T or Nob about what I meant about that post wink.gif



"Why does it feel the same to fall in love and break it off, and if young love is just a game then, I must have missed the kickoff."

-Blink 182 "Going away to college"

yeah i know your weeping now

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