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The kingdom of Sivenda

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The story

It is about the yar 341 of the first period. The place is a strange land, filled with dangers and strange creatures. A strange magician made this strange spell that went very wrong, and sent a group of humans into the different and strange place the local elven and orc population call with two names. The elvish call it Guenwhyar, the place of the free, the orcs call it Acher, the place of light. But as the elven and orcish tribes left a small place for the humans to build their houses, the humans came greedy. Their kingdom held mountains, hills, lush forests and plains. The group first held 40 men and women, that built the first small farms. The elven tought the men how to make swords, bows and arrows. The orcish tribes peaceful to the humans tought them how to make good shields, as they were the masters in armor- and shield-making, before the humans came. This human population grew, and the first castle was built. The kingdom of Sivenda was born, and in a hundred years, the humans had grown in population to 200, which 50 were women, and the other were men, serving either in farms and villages, in the army or in the castle. Many went rogue for the injustice of the kingdom, and learned from the elven and orcish tribes many things. Some made small groups of thieves and robbed people in their travels from castle to castle. Some learned the art of magic, and tought those to other. They were mages, that used spells so the new ones could learn them more easily. Only a few were sorcerers, that used the elven magicality on their advantage. They were the learned ones of the magicians. They used their own magic inside them, no words that sealed the effectiveness of the magic. The castles were very affective. The people that went there, came back either as archers, lightly armored, and only a dagger as their melee weapon. Some maybe a short sword, but their bows were very fine. The best of these bows were compound bows, but no human could ever be better than an elvish archer. The knights were a hole different thing. Their swords were strong and long. They mastered the skill of melee fighting better than anyone. This army of the kingdom grew. It made the kingdom more hostile than any other tribe before that. They attacked the weaker orcish tribes to gain land, as they wouldn't dare to attack the elvish in their natural ground, which is forests.


This is a story about a group of people that meet somewhere, and try to stop the mad king of Sivenda, King Jack IV. You may be anyone you like.




Age: (Depends on the race. Elvish people can live up to 500 years and more)




Armor: (Leather, ring, mail, plate...)

Weapons and shields: (Broadsword, 2-hand, crossbow, shortbow, wooden shield, iron shield)

Other: (Bio, a little more of your armor, etc...)


My profile:

Name: Thomas "Tepe" Jackson

Age: 26

Race: Human

Sex: Male

Type: Rogue sorcerer

Armor: Leather

Weapons and shields: Crossbow, short sword, staff

Other: Picture


Tepe stomped the small campfire dead. Still smoke came as he had put it out with water. He stomped it so the smoke wouldn't reveal his location, took a small much from his bread and then proceeded his way. He looked as the small clearing came ti his sight, towards it and a large rock in the middle. He ran to it, disarmed himself and only his staff in his left hand, he took a leather bag from his belt and started to put some magical things onto the large rock table. He threw a pinch of magical powdre onto the rock as the items were put into the right places. Some carvings appeared onto the stone and Tepe started to read them and make marking into his own small paper. He then heard a small sound from the forest behind him. He continued, but as he heard it again, he turned swifty, took his crossbow and pointed at the bush. At the same time he had launched a spell at the bush that started to burn slowly. He looked carefully. He then said in three languages: "Come out! Shi ninu! Chach iche!" he looked still at the bush and waited for someone to come out.

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Name: Shan'Del

Age: 135 (bah, looks like a 25 year old)

Race: elvish

Sex: male

Type: ranger/hunter

Armor: similar to Legolas clothes, under shirt is a leather armor.

Weapons and shields: Elvish bow, and a 1-handed sword, which is similar that Legolas used.

Other: Borned in an elvish village, Shan was just an regular boy, he really liked to play hide-and-seek in the woods with his friends. Shan learned the woods and even drew himself a little map, which he still has. But, when humans came, his mommy and daddy said to him that he shouldn't wander the woods all alone. Shan was angered because of this, so Shan went to the militia and begged that someone would teach him to defend against hostile beings. So a man named Tal Randal accepted him as his own apprentince and teached him the art of 1handed sword and the mastery of every bow.


Now Shan is a grown up, and likes to wander the woods alone, sometimes with some friends too. Shan only hunts animals for his own needs since he doesn't really like people hunting down for animals so they could get money. Altough, Shan isn't poor, he has his own little smithy established, where Shan makes swords, arrows and bows.

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Shan'Del wandered around the woods, looking for some animal to hunt so he could feed his empty stomach. On the way, he noticed a little camp, where about 3-5 people were, they looked a bit like humands and they talked human language. Shan saw some tripped dead animals there, some exotic animals were in a tight cage, probably hunted down from the mountains.


Hm... Hunters, they have a camp fire set up and tents. I'm pretty sure they are here to stay for one more night until they set their way to the human kingdom. I must warn my brothers, at nightfall we capture them and report them to the militia.


Shan, didn't go home right away, since it was still midday and he still had to feed his open stomach. He set, way to the swamp, where he could hunt little swampsharks.

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As Tepe noticed no-one there, the bush stopped burning and Tepe turned back to his magic. He read the carvings, took notes and then took the items away. He took a pinch of the same powder, and dropped it on the stone, when the carvings were blewn away like the wind would blow ash from a table. Tepe took his stuff and prepared himself. It was getting darker, the human land would be farer than the nearest elvish tribe. Tepe was a sorcerer, and so a good friend of the elves, thought, sometimes, he was misunderstood. He walked out of the clearing and soon stopped next to two bushes. He looked at them and then took some of the magical powder. He threw it across the sky, and mumbled a few elvish words to power the spell. Two large gates appeared and opened. Tepe walked inside and disappeared from anyone watching, as only Tepe now saw the gates besides the elven people. Tepe walked to two of the guards. He asked in elvish: "Where is you tribes leader?" the guards pointed at a small palace and Tepe nodded as a thanks. He walked towards the palace and soon met up the elven leader that let him stay the night at his palace. Tepe thanked him and unpacked his weapons besides a small dagger in his boot. He walked around the elven town, curious of the beautiful architecture.

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Name: Klaneal Portani

Age: 165(looks liek he is 28)

Race: Elven

Sex: Male

Type: Elven Sorcerer

Armor: Elven Chain Mail

Weapons and shields: Long Staff ShortBow

Other: Klaneal grew up in an elven city and has stayed there most of his life learning elven sorcery but still has alot to learn, he is also trained in the ways of the bow and arros is is skilled in that, but he still prefers magic.he wears white elven robes trimmed with a rich purple and his family crest on his right chest.




Klaneal saw the man just appear out of nowhere and he spoke elven too, he watched him go to the tribe leader and he seemed to be welcome, Klaneal wanted to meet him.

"hello fellow sorcerer, i am Klaneal Portani and i saw how you used magic to get here, very impressive, i would like to learn form you".

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This looks like an interesting setting. A nice time to announce my return in the role-playing world.


Name: Hanodel Urendel.

Age: 74 (Looks 18)

Race: Half-elven.

Gender: Male.

Type: Mage.

Armor: Leather vest and a black cape with hood.

Weapons and shields: Dagger and staff.

Other: Hanodel was born in a human village on the border of the Human realm. He never knew his father, and he stayed with his human mother in the village, untill it was raided by the king's men. Hanodel's mother was killed and Hanodel himself was exiled into the elven lands. Trapped in a land he knew nothing about, he joined a band of rogues. Among them was an old mage, who taught him some magic. After a failed attack on an elvish transport, Hanodel was imprisoned and taken to the nearby elven village.


Hanodel has Black hair and green eyes. He has a dark personality and doesn't speak much. He's very calm and likes to think things trough. He's a bit clumsy, and he isn't a great warrior nor is he a great mage. If he ever get's out of his prison, he'll kill the king if given half the chance.


(If you haven't guessed it, the village i was taken to is the village Tepe just entered.)

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Shan finally reached to his brothers, he didn't had the chance to settle down. The brothers were watching him with big eyes, and had no idea, what was going on...


Shan'Del took a few deep breaths and started mumbling about the bandits in the woods. His fellowship, listened to him and nodded that they would hunt them down and report them to the militia.


It started to get dark a bit as you could see the sun go behind the mountains. Shan and his brothers were sharping some elvish weapons, some were re-strectching their bows also. One of the trustworthy elves took out a large trap of ropes.


Ok, maybe we can use this trap against those hunters, I got two speed potions here. Two of us should use them and throw the trap onto the enemies, they shouldn't notice you since the speed potion makes it pretty impossible to see to a naked eye.


Said, the wise elf, while taking out speed potions from his shoulder pack.


Yes, we can use these things against them, but we still need them to get close to each other....


Mumbled Shan worringly.


Don't worry, we'll make them to go togheter, if we threaten them with our arrows.


Said one of the brothers, who was putting his bow over his shoulder.


So, the five brothers set their way to the hunters firecamp.

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Tepe nodded at the elven sorcerer as he stopped to see him. "If you are good enought, I can tach you" he said in the common language and looked him from toe to hair. "164-165 years old, skilled in bows and swords, but prefers magic, am I right?" as he got an amazed look, he bowed. "Hands are roughtened from the using of the sword, the fingers have small prints on them, giving away the use of a short or long bow. You said you were a sorcerer, so you prefer magic. Your hair is long, ears are very developted and voice is the right for a young one in elvish years. I welcome you, to my company, young one" he said and bowed again. He then continued his travel towards the prison of the village. He knew Klaneal would stay around, and so he sped up. He soon walked with an elvish guard to a door with an elvish letter on it. He looked inside and sighed. "Come to the door, half-elf. We need to speak..." he said in human and knew he would irritate him with it.

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Shan'Del and his brothers finally reached to the hunters camp. Two of the elves climbed up to the trees and found a good spot to rain down the arrows.


The wise elf handed out the speed potions to Shan'Del and to the other elf.


Ok, remember! Act quick because the potions don't last long in your muscles. Just run past the enemies and throw the roped trap onto them, they can't escape because the rope edges are covered with magical orbs, which will draw magnetic power out of them and they should all draw near each other.


Whispered the wise elf, behind the bushes.


Shan'Del and his brother drinked the potion and had to wait for a few seconds until the magic flowed trough their body.


After a few seconds Shan started to feel kinda strange, he moved his head right to see his companion and the head tilted to the right in the light of speed.




Shouted Shan and the whole human camp was up! Rain of arrows started to flew trough the air and the whole camp was in a mess, running around like maniacs, they freaked out and seeked cover by sticking close to each other.


Shan and his brother acted quickly and ran like wind into the fight. Moment later the camp saw themselves trapped in a pile of ropes. Quickyl one of the hunters tried to get himself loose, but the magnetic magic orbs drawed near each other and the hunters were all tightly trapped in the ropes and they couldn't move a limb.


All the other elves came out of the woods and were smiling at success.


Haha! Very good job boys! Now, knock those villains down and let us release the animals....


The fellowship released the animals and drew the hunters to the militia, who were unconsious and trapped. At the milita, the guardsmen took the ropes off and threw the hunters into the jail. The miltia's commander faced the Fellowship.


You have done good work my fellow elves. The community is thankful for your help, that now we have lesser activity of the illegal animal hunting, I bet they knew that they aren't allowed to hunt animals that are so near to the extincion already. They will be judged tomorrow, but you are brave elves, I shall reward you with 4000 gold pieces.


Thank you very much, we accept your reward.


Said the wise elf.


Ok, we better get some sleep now, I'll see you all tomorrow.


Sentenced Shan'Del himself...

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"I have heard that you know something about an item, called The wind sword" he said calmly in human and then glanced at the prisoner. "I would need your information, and your abilities. The leader of this village has allready given me his acceptance to take you out. But... Only if you help me" he contined in human and then looked the man for an answer

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Tepe nodded to the guard and stepped away from the door. A few seconds past and then the door slid open. As Hanodel walked out, Tepe grabbed his other arm. "If you try anything, my magic shall torture you untill you shall be in the position, no-one could even imagine the place you were in. It will be far worse than hell, I can assure you that" he said and then turned, releasing his arm. He walked out of the prison and mumbled some magical words as his both hands lit up like torches. A small light appeared infront of Hanodel and then got into his brains throught his ears. Tepe stopped mumbling, his hands went back to normal and he headed towards the palace

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'Alright.' Hanodel said. 'I don't even want to know what you just did to me. First, do you know where they keep my stuff?'

'Right here.' A guard said, and he handed him his weapons and equipment. 'Thanks. And now, the windsword... I need a map.'

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(OOC: Ok, I'm at the same town as you are all :))


Shan was at the market in the elven village, looking to buy something to drink. He bought an elven water for himself, since it may become useful if really tired and unable to do anything.


That will be 20 coins, young one.


Said the old elf, while taking out the water.


Jeez, 20 coins... that's a lot, but I need this so here are your coins.


Said Shan, while looking into his pocket for 20 coins.


Shan, turned his back and walked around the city, he went to the militia, to see, how are his captives doing. On the way to the prison dungeon, he noticed someone speaking to the guard, while two other mysterious figures were also there.


Shan walked towards the guard and the unknown men.


He noticed the first one. Shan'Del stopped and speeched him.


Hey, aren't you the one, who should be in his prison? What are you doing outside?

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Tepe turned to the elf. He started to speakin fluent elvish.

Yes, he should be in prison, but I am here to get him out in the agreement of the leader of this tribe and village. I gice some of my new potions to the village, I get information, or a guide in this case, from the village about... things

he said and then looked Shan'Del with his green eyes

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Shan stepped back, and looked at Tepe.


I didn't even realize, how stupid that village leader was until now.. Change a big time criminal for a few potions, which will be used in one day... I hope you didn't give him ale...


Looks Tepe, with his brown eyes.


I am kind of bored, so mind if I lead the way out of the forest? I know some quick ways, tough it will cost you a bit.


Speaks Shan while tilting his head to left.

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Tepe looked at Hanodel. He looked at the elf and then mumbled something to himself and then turned to one of the nearest wall. "Come with me. We shall speak" he said and a small magical gate opened to the wall. Tepe walked throught and appeared in the palace of the village, and in his room. He waited for the others to come throught.

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