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The kingdom of Sivenda

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Name: Zoric Bastar

Age: 27

Race: Human

Sex: Male

Type: Rouge Warrior Mage

Armor: Mail Shirt,with a leather top over it.

Weapons and shields: Shortbow,Broad Iron Shield,Dagger and a Long Sword.

Other: Zoric was taught to use a sword at the age of 8.Since he wanted to be a warrior he went to the training camp that tought you how to fight.Then at the age of 17 Zoric fell in with a group of Dark Mages.They taught him the way of Dark Arts and also the Light Arts.Zoric at the age of 23 he killed the mages and turned into a rouge.




Zoric saw a group go through a magical gateway.Zoric saw the gateway dissapear.Zoric didnt know how they opened the gate so he waited outside on the wall that the gate was on.

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OOC: Kinda godmodding EDJ, kinda impossible even in a magical world that you come into a place trough a portal, which you have never seen before. Maybe a little explanation how you did that.


Shan looked at the new face.


I am Shan'Del, an elven ranger. Who are you? You shouldn't even be here.

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OOC: Yeah, EDJ, it is kinda godmoding, as you didn't even know where the group went. Besides, the portal-magic is rarely seen. It costs a lot of mana, and those who practice magery, not sorcery, have a little lower mana. As you can see from my upcoming posts, the portal takes that much mana, that even a sorcerer will become sleepy from the loss of mana.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Name: Ilenal Vanehan

Age: 290

Race: Elvish

Sex: Male

Type: two-hand ranger

Armor: Ring shirt

Weapons and shields: Two sabres

Other: Grew up in a moving elvish tribe in the mountains, before starting to range the world


Ilenal walked from the shadows of the room. "The darkness is rising in the mountains. Rival orcish tribes are forming to attack the kingdom of Sivenda" the elf said in elvish as Tepe sat down to rest from the loss of mana. "We shall leave tomorrow morning" Tepe said and Ilenal walked away with the others. "Thomas needs some rest. The portal uses all of his mana... We must give him time to rest. In the morning, we shall head for some ruins in the north. Any battle must stay away from him, as he is still too weak" he said in common and then turned to Shan'Del.

Do not be over confident from your skills, young ranger. Prepare for the worst Ilenal then said and turned to walk outside back into the village from the leaders house

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