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Extended Force Powers mod is available for download


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....from my website.


From the readme:


Extended Force Powers Mod by Achilles



Special thanks to dh-vug for providing the instructions for modding this script.





Script Changes




Force Aura, Force Shield, Force Armor

60 seconds (from 20 seconds)





Force Valor, Knight Valor, Master Valor

60 seconds (from 30 seconds)





Force Resistance, Force Immunity

120 seconds (from 60 seconds)





Burst of Speed, Knight Speed, Master Speed

72 seconds (from 36 seconds)





Creator's Notes



This mod was created to help extend the times for some of the Force powers. Force Armor is nice, but when you only get it for 20 seconds and it takes almost 3 seconds to cast, you quickly realize that it's almost more trouble than it's worth.


I've used this mod for several months and will testify that these new times are pretty reasonable. They are just long enough that you can get through the more challenging fights, but not so long that you never have to recast them.


I publishing this mod in response to some of the messages that I've seen lately stating that new forum members are having difficulty getting this mod to work on their own.




Files Modified



k_sp1_generic.ncs - Compiled script that goes into the Override folder.


k_inc_force.nss - Source script in which the edits are made.


Please see the following thread for more detailed information re: this mod http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=126018

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Very nice. It is kind of funny, because those are almost the exact same times I use in my own game. And I will agree with you that the changes are not very unbalancing.


While you are modding the Force Powers ;) I would recommend that you drop Blaster Resistance off of the power Improved Energy Resistance. That force power is way unbalanced because it makes you virtually immune to blasters and lightsabers alike. Just my two cents.

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Originally posted by beancounter

Very nice. It is kind of funny, because those are almost the exact same times I use in my own game. And I will agree with you that the changes are not very unbalancing.


While you are modding the Force Powers ;) I would recommend that you drop Blaster Resistance off of the power Improved Energy Resistance. That force power is way unbalanced because it makes you virtually immune to blasters and lightsabers alike. Just my two cents.

Well blaster fire is energy based, is it not? :D

Either way, Energy Resistance isn't a force power that I use very often. I do appreciate the recommendation. Please feel free to share any other insights that you've had with your version of the mod.

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Well, most people would probably not like some of things I did.



I cut the charisma and wisdom boost out of Valor, because I thought force powers were already to strong. And if you bump up the duration of valor that adds up to a big boost in force points and makes your powers a whole lot harder to resist.


I tried to nerf the most cheesy force power - Force Wave by cutting the Radius down to 5, but it did not help much. It made it a little less powerful, but it was still the most useful force pwoer in the game.


I dropped the Blaster Energy Resistance because the regular verison did not have it, but the improved version did. By the way, that is one of the reasons Malak can be a pain to fight in the end because he will cast that spell, and it drops 15 points of damage of off EVERY attack you make.


And the must have is dropping the blur effect of speed.


I have been thinking about changing how the game calculates the saving throw against force powers, because that is one of the big reasons why this game is so easy.


But enough of that, I don't want to hijack your thread. I think your mod is excellent for the majority of people.

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Originally posted by shosey

Call me a purist, but I think I like the original times. Perhaps if I was using the harcore mod I would be more apt to use this. However, this is excellent work - keep it up! :)

To each their own :D Thank you for the acknowledgement.

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