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Hello, WTF is wrong with me?


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Hi, I kind of have a problem and I want to see what people say.


What you read here might be alittle bazarr, but its not fiction. Its all actually true....Yea, I can take a joke.. so if anyone thinks its more appropiate to make fun of me, its okay, but i hope there is atleast 1 person out there that can help me.


You see, I've been playing SWG since release on and off. Mostly Off... Ive played on Kettemoor the whole time and Since i go through spurts of SWG game time that last 2-4 months, ive basically started from scratch 3 times now.


This most recent time I've come back to SWG, i came back with a few friends that ive been gamming with for about 2 and a half years now, theres 5 of us plus my RL brother.


I play the most of all my friends and am more finacially and skill-wise successful... But im not Happy.


The other day is just cleared 20 million in credits for the first time in my SWG experiences, But it means nothing to me really. Yea, all my friends say Im filthy rich, and stuff.... and while it may be true, it doesnt feel like it.


Im also the best loot hunter i know.... When i crack down i can loot a +10 or better skill mod per buff..... But this isnt fun anymore, i havent done this in about 2 weeks.


Sometimes I get angry at total strangers when they wrong me in even the most minor ways.... for example, i totally exploded on a guy for stealing a kill from me. I mean.... i seriously exploded on him. Im lucky i didnt talk to a CSR or get reported that day.


Alot of times while I'm waiting in Coronet for the transport, im absolutly filled with Hate for some reason.... i mean... I Hate most people on Kettemoor, generally all the people i dont know, and most of the people i do know.... I hate people for having stupid Names, suck as Snake Plisken, or The Rebelnator, or other unoriginial and/or silly names..... and then on the other hand I hate peoples names that are "normal" by comparison....


I read alot of Biographies.... Strangely enough, I've never decided to hate someone because whats in their Bio.


Im an Imperial Officer, but i feel no commeraderie with other Imperials.... and I've found that I actually Hate all rebels.... not in a RP sence.... i actually hate them..... Theres only 1 rebel i like, and thats cause we became friends before i knew he was a rebel.... and honestly, i had a very difficult time comming to terms with that...


Wookies.... I hate wookies to the point where i refuse to even compriend their language, I am gettign better with wookies though. i've recently started allowing wookie docs to buff me and conducting simple business deals with wooks.


I tend to visit the Kettemoor Galaxy and Trade Forums often.... I enjoy my time spend on the trade forums, although i rarely bid on items... but i seriously loathe the Galaxy forums, And the funny thing is, i keep going back for more.


I find the Kettemoor Galaxy forums is inhabited by Uber PVP Kids with the Leetzors little groups that all like to trash talk eachother alot... I hate it, But i read those forums every day....... why?


Thats just about all i can think of right now... All this is true and thats why im posting it here.... too see if anyone might feel similar, or know how im feeling about SWG, or have any kind of suggestion i might like to try.


Like i said before im half expecting to get teased and maybe even flamed, But i hope there is atleast 1 person that will realise im being serious and has something valuable to say.


Thanks in Advance.

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Uuuhmm ..... :eyeraise:



Okay, don't know how to respond to this.



Question: Do you feel the same way in real life?

If so, then getting proffessional help wouldn't be a waste of time. There must be something you can't explain that is triggering this.


On a lighter note, for some reason, I kinda pictured Andy Rooney from 60 Minutes when I read this thread. :D

I guess it's the way it was written or something. :)


As for going back for more when you absolute hate it, alot of people probably find themself comming back for, whatever it may be.



I recognise myself in that sometimes. Forums for instance, I can find myself not able to stand the complete and utter idiocy that is going on there (whatever forum it may be), but for some strange reason I sometimes get a great urge to come back. I guess it's just to see if the idiocy that can spew out of peoples mouths (or in this case, keyboards :) ) can hit new lowes or not.


Folkmusic, or other really old music, I don't like it, it's not my type of music, but for some strange reason, if it happens to be on TV or something and there's nothing else on, I feel drawn to listen to it. I can't explain why. :)


Maybe it's because I find it silly, or even idiotical. Idiocy can be a powerfull magnet I guess. Sometimes you just can't get enough of it. ;)

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Question: Do you feel the same way in real life?

If so, then getting proffessional help wouldn't be a waste of time. There must be something you can't explain that is triggering this.




Thanks for the FeedBack!

This is alittle Embarasing talking about Feelings and all that crap, i'm glad none of you know who i am, or If you do know who i am atleast you dont know you know who i am.


Anyhows, im not like this in real life outside of the game.... For some reason this game brings out the worse in me I guess....


I've decided to start smoking again, I quit smoking about 2 weeks ago and i've already noticed in not so much of an A-Hole to most people.


I'm also thinking about quitting SWG if im so unhappy with it.


Anyhows, thanks for listening!

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