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Originally posted by Vader523

Thanks for the info Red_Six! I really appreciate you taking the time from Battlefront (Which I am sure is hard!) to answer our questions! I am just wondering, if a person wants to make a dedicated server, you said they cant play in it. Is it possible to make one and be able to accually stay in it? Is lag an issue? What about the graphics, how are they? And finally, can auto-aim be activated online? Thanks again, just want to clear those up.


No worries mate, i'm actually at work at the moment so time is not really an issue ;).


Yes, you can make a server where you can play as well. It's just called a non-dedicated one. This is where you are the first player in the server. The server will only be running when you are playing the game. You can leave it running and go do something else but that means that there will be 1 less slot in the server for others to play.


The ping times are really good - although we can only host 4 player games here in Australia due to the shocking internet down here. The server master has a ping of 60. The other players can be as low as that as well - it depends on what ISP they are on. I am on OptusNet cable down here and if I have fellow OptusNet players on my server, we all ping at 60. Other players that join ping accordingly to their internet connection but most ping at about 120 - 150. At this speed there is no lag and voice communications are not a problem and the graphics are just like in the 1 player mode.


One issue that I am not satisfied with is the lack of communication between players on the same connection. I have 2 Ps2's thru a router where we can both play in a server that I set up. The host can speak to everyone on the server but the other player on the 2nd PS2 at my place cannot hear anyone but the person running the server (my brother usually). Any suggestions regarding this issue would be great!!


Finally, yes, auto aim can be enabled on line. The options for online play for setting up a server (from what I remember) are as follows: Number of players, aim assist, hero's on/off, number of AI players in server, team damage on/off, auto team select on/off, connection speed, and a few more.


When you are setting up the server you can choose what maps you want to play in the order you want to play them. Some maps automatically select the type of players (imperial/rebels & CIS/clones) but others enable you to choose the map and factions you want to use.


Kayyashik is one of my favourite levels - there are 2 maps on that planet, the smaller one is the best. Essentially there are 6 command posts in a small level where both teams end up running in circuits around the level to get them. It is action packed because you always run into your opponents pretty much ever 30 seconds for a great head on head battle!!!!

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Sounds awsome thanks for the info! Im not too worried about aim assist though, playing the demo all it did was make my aim worse (It doesnt put the dot on the enemy, only the circle around the dot... At least in the demo). I just hope it wont ruin gameplay at all. But other than that im even more excited about this game! Cant wait!

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Crazy huh, so there is a huge diff between the PS2 version and the PC version as my PS2 full version has hardly any of there features you guys are talking about.

No buddies list, no metagame, no civil war.


I have looked everywhere and still cant see if ya can play PC with PS2 but have seen PC Dedicated games on the gamespy server list and have played in them, only 16 players and lagged.


& the hero's do fight and defend, they will go with you if asked and are leathal. 1 per side, but dont battle amongst them selves, just dodge each other if paths cross.

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Originally posted by Jaxxon

Crazy huh, so there is a huge diff between the PS2 version and the PC version as my PS2 full version has hardly any of there features you guys are talking about.

No buddies list, no metagame, no civil war.


I have looked everywhere and still cant see if ya can play PC with PS2 but have seen PC Dedicated games on the gamespy server list and have played in them, only 16 players and lagged.


& the hero's do fight and defend, they will go with you if asked and are leathal. 1 per side, but dont battle amongst them selves, just dodge each other if paths cross.

If you read right galactic conquest=metagame.;) civil war is like the campaign mode same thing different name.


By the way how does the lag effect the game do ppl suddenly jump from one part to another or does it just seem slower and one more thing how long and often does lag happen.

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