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Dedicated Server and Issues [Merged]


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Nah, not even Jolt or EPG will be running dedicated servers with the game installs as you can't remotely admin, or even kick players. I set up a "dedicated server" on my box to give it a try and there is no admin functions that I could find built in to it. Not to mention each server will require 2.7 Gigs of space in the shape of a full install of the game if the don't release Dedie Binaries. LA had better come through tomorrow, otherwise SW:BF might quickly go the same way JK and JA did. Sure there were people who played them, but no where near the same size as say BF:42 or BF:V. And without Dedie files it never will get there.

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To set the record strait, there is no dedicated server bundled in the game. For all you people out there that are saying that I see dedicated servers, they are people that installed the full game and are running the full game and then choose to start a dedicated server.




It is pointless to have the current because true servers normally don't have the video cards to even get the game started. We need to run in a dos shell.


Lucas arts, get with the program and release a dedicated server version asap.

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does the swbf binary include dedicated server switches?


most games that build the dedicated server into the client will usually have a dedicated command line switch to run the server without invoking the Video or Audio processes (essentially meaning you don't need the video card or sound card)..



its kindof funny but the BF series really has raised the bar as far as dedicated servers go. most other guys (even many new release games) still require you to have the full install of the game even to run a dedicated server (CoD comes to mind)..


it wasn't really until Bf42 came out that you where able to get a stripped down version of the game (160Mb vs 2.0Gb) specifically for a server..


hopefully SWBF will follow in the shoes of BF42..


i know that is pretty much what killed HnD2's online community, lack of a real full dedicated server..

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Originally posted by avonnied

it wasn't really until Bf42 came out that you where able to get a stripped down version of the game (160Mb vs 2.0Gb) specifically for a server..


Actually Half-life had complete stand-alone install files for the dedicated servers for Windows and Linux long before BF1942 ever came onto the scene. That game and the support it still receives has set the bar for all games to follow. Having hosted servers for both of Half-life and BF1942, so far I'm not impressed with the Battlefront "dedicated" (if you can call it that) server at all. It always amazes me how game developers fail to build on the successes of previous games.

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