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CMI (sorta) freezes.


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I'm at the part in the game when the pirates start singing on board and I have to rhyme with orange.


You see the problem is when they start singing they don't stop. the dialog just stays there. Hangs in mid-air. I have a no-talkie version so I can;t check any audio. Everything carries on animating, although I can't see my mouse and the game still reacts to keypresses.


Cam anyone help me? I'm running win2k on my laptop, not sure about anuy other specs though.


I must say I'm loving the game so far.


-Thanks, Zor.

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Oh... Well I lent it from a friend... That's probably why it doesn't have cutscenes or music either.


Man I'm an idiot. He probably downloaded and printed out the cd cover and stuck it on.


Oh well. Once again I've proven myself an idiot and embarrased myself in front of others.


Thanks Aliens for the help though.

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