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Join IP - is it working?


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it didnt work for me. Anyways, as for searching: not really. We'll have to wait till the all seeing eye supports battlefront.

For now, what you can do is list servers by name and then go to that server. The downside is that its almost impossible to join a server thats somewhere in the middle of the list because new servers keep on spawning and you cant stop the refresh yet

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I noticed i can add favorites in Xfire - hopefully it might work there too...but i have had trouble connecting to SWBF via Xfire.


I "hope" they have a patch soon for this. A minipatch just fixing the multiplayer connection issues asap would be a good thing.

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Originally posted by Strongmedicine

Im trying to join a friends game with the "Join IP" feature. Is this working or is it borked (i get the message: Could not join session)


Anyway..if this is not working, is there a way to "search" for a game name?


I dunno about anyone else, but I got it to work every time I've used it.


I'm in the US, don't know why that'd matter though. :\

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