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Return or not??


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I was a Galaxies addict a few months ago, but my PC was having MAJOR problems, casuign em to get outta the game.


My PC is working fine again...so I'm trying to decide if I should get back into the game.


I have few questions:


1. How much have I missed in 4 or 5 months of not playing?


2. I put my account on sleep...can I stilol reactivate it?


3. Will I be way behind if I return?

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1. Prices have gone up. Loot items are the new thing. Adhesives, mainly. Most of the other stuff you will pick up just by playing.


2. It will probably still be there. I know some people who had accounts gone for that amount of time and they were still there when they got back.


3. Not really any farther behind than you were when you stopped playing. The only thing is that any houses you may have had would've gone away.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

The game hasnt advanced at all. The timeline hasnt moved and it seems that everything has stopped (if that is possible since nothing was moving) for JTLS



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Most of the die hard, love this game, and will never quit friends I made when I started the game. Have left and so have I. I started the game not really liking it and having the experience of being in Beta.


I felt like I was a woman on the "Opera Show" that has been in a abusive relationship. "I just kept telling myself everything would get better and be fine, but nothing changed." I had battered gamer syndrome. Sometimes no matter how much you love the idea of a game you just have to walk away.


If you liked it before you will like it now. I would say fined something more fun and rewording.

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