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George Lucas Debate

Sam Fisher

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For some reason the middle episode of both trilogies didn't appeal to me. I like Episode II and Episode V but they are by no means my favorites. It's like people say "can't live with them...can't live without them." As for people going around hating on the prequels....eh your no worth it...I'll save it for another post.

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One thing that is kinda neat, if you look at all six movies in a row, and assuming Episode III will be great (risky assumption, but with the known spoilers and story content, it's bound to be the best of the prequels) they "peak" in the middle and peter-off at the ends.


I don't mind episode I, but it's weak... the same way that I think Jedi is weak. They're sort of anomalies at the ends. Luke is very different in Jedi than the other two movies, Anakin is very different in TPM than in the other two movies. Cutsie characters in both, etc...


Then in the middle we'll have III and IV, with IV being my favourite... then II and V in the middle of both. Just sort of an observation that's probably been made before, but the series is strongest in the middle IMHO and the beginnings and endings of the stories are predictable and/or weak.

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