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Your action figure customs?


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If and when I get that K-Mart Cantina scene, I'll have a Ponda Baba too many along with too many Obi-Wans. I'm planning on swapping some stuff to make a Aqualish Jedi and an old moisture farmer. It'll be my first custom. I dunno what'll I'll do with the Aqualish. It'll probably be kinda crappy since I'm gonna use a PotF2 Obi from '95 :p


The moisture farmer will just fill in a part of my Cantina.

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I tried popping off potf2 lyn me head but it is freakin hard . oh and Gi joe figures are great for making customs. And i wanna get my star wars figs at ebay cause most figs are hard to find over here in Los Angeles and i get my gi joes from anywhere i only get gi joes for one reason : Custom figs, i tried painting a gi joe to a chiss skin tone.

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Now when you mean G.I. Joes, do you mean the 12" or the small ones? Because if you'er using 12", you must know some people would kill to get classic ones. This probably doesn't make sense to you, or does it?:confused: Also, if I made custom figures, I would want to learn haw to work with plastics to create ones so detailed that Todd Mcfarlene would want to hire me.

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1. the 3 3/4 joes are incredably easy to deal with, boil and pop, and use an exacto.


2. Todd mcfarlane....unless you get raw claw or molding plastic base, and sculpt from scratch we wont be impressed, have u see the newer stuff...gargle



(ooo ripping peoples dreams, how refreshening, im back!)

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