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Very disappponting!

Guest Ms. Talon

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Guest garyah99

That's pretty much par for the course. I don't know about the rest of you, but I don't plan to spend one more red cent on anything else produced by Lucasarts.



Every time I think I've found the end of the rainbow...I trip over it.

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Guest TK421

Originally posted by K_Kinnison:

I am only going ot buy PC games. No point in spending all the money for a system that is going to be unsupported, and out of date, in 5 years.


PC gamers Unite!!!!


K_K has a good point, look at how fast the new console platforms come out. I'd bet a lot of the older (and good) games for some consoles aren't available on the new ones, yet PC's can run anything PC ever made, though with Microsux Windows 95/98 you may have some problems with the old games.


I can't believe Lucasarts is abandoning the PC Gamers, how many thousands of people play online multiplayer compared to a couple of dweebs plugged into the 1 playstation! Exactly how much profit do they want to throw away?




"Peace through superior firepower"

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besides...once you have a Video game, that is preatty much what you get, yes you maybe able to unlock some cheats, and secrets, but there would be no additional missions, or Weird craft.


That is why i prefer PC games to Video games, more bang for the buck, and a longer life

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Guest Vark111

I agree with KK and TK here, but I do want to take a bit of a Devil's advocate position here and mention that there is one thing the console games have over PC games that can make any company's mouth water... That's no tech support. Console games don't require a single solitary piece of tech support (except maybe a hint line). And tech support is a huge drain on cash flow for any company. You pay a couple guys a decent salary (because they have to be knowledgable in computers) to sit on their a$$es all day long and *hope* that someone calls them to fix something. Not money well spent.



Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day... Teach a man to fish and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.

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Guest TK421

You're right Vark, money is the guiding light of everything in this world.


I'm actually dept.head of TechSupp (in addition to my other titles) here at work, and can I tell you it is the most boring job ever. Though people do call in with some of the stupidest things.... Oh the stories I could tell.


* Hey! I don't just sit on my a$$ all day *

* I sit on my a$$ and talk to you guys! biggrin.gif*


[This message has been edited by TK421 (edited May 11, 2000).]

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Guest Scoundrel67

I concur. There is, however, the possibility that Lucas Arts is simply tired of making space combat simulators that work for a myriad of platforms. They might be waiting for a while before venturing into this demanding PC genre.


Does anyone out there know the sales figures for the X-Wing series? Perhaps declining revenues, increased competition (how many flight simluators are out on the market?), and video/sound card compatability headaches have made the PC platform less profitable.


When Mr. Lucas releases the next installment of the Star Wars saga then, and only then, will they come out with another PC space combat simulator.


As for those of you who are petulantly stomping your feet and peevishly muttering that you're not going to buy any more LA products, you're only fooling yourselves. If, after you read the reviews at Hotgames.com or one of the other game review sites, you like what you see, you'll buy the product. Hotgames has never steered me wrong, and if the game gets 4+ out of 5, it's worth considering. Never buy without doing a little research first: Caveat Emptor!

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Guest Hans The Great

What happened to LucasArts? They USED to make such great games! Now they just want the money. You guys have done more to extend the life of the game that LA will ever do! This makes me wonder about the new Obi-Wan game. It'll probably wind up like Daikatana, stuck in production forever or released with more bugs than a dog at a flea circus!


At least they should create an add-on pack for this game. Lazy and greedy, what a combination!

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Guest Cloud

I think console gaming is personally better. Since the system is cheaper. And you don't have to update it to play the new games. Anyway, isn't this game coming out for the pc too? the higher end pc that is... The graphics looks pretty nice though.

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Guest TK421

Originally posted by Cloud:

I think console gaming is personally better. Since the system is cheaper. And you don't have to update it to play the new games. Anyway, isn't this game coming out for the pc too? the higher end pc that is... The graphics looks pretty nice though.


From what I've read it looks like it's going to be Playstation-II only.


* Will someone nuke that YourMamma moron, I'm all outa ICMBs frown.gif *




"Peace through superior firepower"

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Guest TK421

Yeah, but I just love that mushroom cloud, kinda pinpoints the object of your wrath doesn't it smile.gif Besides, the classics are always the best biggrin.gif




"Peace through superior firepower"

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The games on the PC are the best of any system. The graphics and the features have no equal.


Someone needs to put Yourmamma in the turbine of an X-Wing and fly around at full speed for 3 weeks then shoot whats left of him out of a Proton Torpedo launcher.


Then ban him!!!



My Dream, to fly a starfighter and destroy Imperial ships.

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Guest Hans The Great

Such Violence! Ham is trying to invoke the Sith I guess. This is an interesting discussion (rant) I hope it stays that way.


I heard a rumor that LA is making a sequel to Rogue Squadron, where space and ground missions will be included. Sounds interesting but I also heard that it will be a console only game! What a rip-off!


Its just like when Psygnosis made Wipeout 3 (A game that I would buy in a second) with no PC version. Hey, I like the look of the new Playstation and Dreamcast games but I can't stomach the game controllers, the price for each game and the static nature of the whole system.

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Guest TK421

I heard a rumor that LA is making a sequel to Rogue Squadron, where space and ground missions will be included. Sounds interesting but I also heard that it will be a console only game! What a rip-off!


Gee Hans that sounds like the game we're discussing, how 'bout that. wink.gif


Yeah I hate the platforms. Stick game in, play game, take game out. End of story - no addons no expansions nothing 'till they build a sequel which will cost the same as the original but suck even more. Unlike a good old PC expansion which is usually only half or less the cost of the original.

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Guest Young Yoda

Yes, about game that no fair to me, about this game.


Relax everyone! Maybe if lucasart would able make it for PC, but that would take year or not.


Now, now remember, we will going to find if that so. VERY SOON!

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I have always hated platforms. In the 80's I played on a Commodore 64 and in the 90's I've played on a PC. I remember when the Nintendo first came out how a lot of people went crazy over them. They have never impressed me.


Please throw YourMamma from the train!



My Dream, to fly a starfighter and destroy Imperial ships.

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Guest garyah99

Originally posted by Scoundrel67:

As for those of you who are petulantly stomping your feet and peevishly muttering that you're not going to buy any more LA products, you're only fooling yourselves. If, after you read the reviews at Hotgames.com or one of the other game review sites, you like what you see, you'll buy the product. Hotgames has never steered me wrong, and if the game gets 4+ out of 5, it's worth considering. Never buy without doing a little research first: Caveat Emptor!


Petulantly stomping your feet?? Could you please be a little more condescending? I think there might have been someone in Mongolia that wasn't a little insulted at that remark!! I don't know you, but there's a very good chance that I've been playing video games since you were munching on pablum. As for Lucasarts, I'm not just dismayed at this latest turn of events. If you check their track record for the last few years: XvsT; a horrible excuse for a game. Rebellion; was a half baked attempt at a RTS game, XWA; one of the best Sims of all time, but it was obviously rushed out the door, left unfinished, to make room for the Ep 1 product line. Phantom Menace; received poor reviews, another product that had terrific potential, but was rusher out the door to make a quick buck. Ep1 Pod Racer; fun but very limited replayability. Probably the best of the Ep1 products. Gungan Frontier; What the heck was THAT??? Force Commander; yet another highly vaunted RTS that 80% of those who play it say it's garbage. Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine; a manly version of Tomb Raider. Obi-Wan; who knows?? So you see, this is not foot stomping because of one limited piece of software. It's becoming a history for Lucasarts to make highly touted garbage. If and when the next SW flight sim does come out I will think several times and read many, many reviews before I even consider buying it. In the past few months I've played the Freespace series, Independence War, Wing Commander Prophecy, and a couple other space flight sims and I've come to realize something: Lucasarts really ain't all that great!!



Every time I think I've found the end of the rainbow...I trip over it.

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Guest Ms. Talon

I did try WC Prophesy, but didn't like it due to the inability to reprogram the joystick buttons, and the inability to assign critical ships to a memory meant that the escort missions were tediously frustrating affairs that depended more on luck than anything else. And the wingman commands were horible, as well as the interface; the scope was a joke, you couldn't even tell who was shooting at you...it was like try and shoot down whatever you could find and hope for the best!...Very arcadish! I returned it to the store.


I'm hesitant on trying "Starlancer" because apparently you CANNOT remap the joystick again!!!?(unforgivable!) I HATE button-hunting in the middle of a dogfight!







[This message has been edited by Ms. Talon (edited May 13, 2000).]


[This message has been edited by Ms. Talon (edited May 13, 2000).]

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Yeah but gary I know a LOT of people who think Force Commander is great. I'm pretty sure that Gungan Frontier got some pretty great reviews that I've read Plus, dewd, it's LucasLearning, it's a kid's game! What were you expecting? wink.gifbiggrin.gif. I think racer was really cool too, so really it's a matter of opinion. I think that LucasArts is getting back on the right track, because all I hear is great things about Battle For Naboo and ObiWan from all the gaming sites.



"Your just jealous because the voices talk to me"!

TZG -3 Rogue 11





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