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The Prelaunch Party


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So, everyday when I get home, I eagerly click "Nightlight" from my bookmarks list hoping that today's the day the site'll be back up. It hasn't so far (And I wanna stress that that's FINE. Take as much time as you need, Matt and Arthur, to make it great) but in an effort to make the waiting more fun, this thread is now the official Prelaunch party! Whoo! Talk about what you're looking forward to most in the launch, what the first things you'll download will be, and stuff like that, or just bring up anything really to ease the waiting. Parrrrty down!


*pulls out noisemaker and hands out party hats*

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Well I can spoil the party now, I suppose, by telling you that the first thing that you'll download will be a brand new digitally remastered version of Lost Cause I, part 1, because that's the first thing going up on the website. And I hate to say it, but the first thing you'll do after that is probably want to hunt me down and scalp me... because... well... it's complicated. But let's just say...


Hoo... I might as well get this out into the open now, but I'll do it in a new thread. So that everyone sees and understands, and can then rant. This isn't going to make me any friends.


And the website design is out of my hands, at the moment. Metallus is the one you need to see about that. :)

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Well, on the top of my most wanted list is, of course, Tierra 2. If it gets anywhere near the quality of the original it would have been worth the (long) wait, and that's saying something ;) . Oh, and to see the new web page, that'll be good. But until then, I'd like to toast Number Two (over an open fire, maybe) and his immenant return from the ether. CHEERS!

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