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Who is your favorite character from Star Wars???

Guest Zedran

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Guest Zedran

Mine is Darth Vader..He was very intimidating and Cool...... biggrin.gif



When last we met I was but the apprentice,..Now I am the Disaster.... eek.gif


Click,Click,Click....Damn Light Saber............AAAAAAUUUUGGHHHH!!!!!!!



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Guest RDean

I agree. Who else could use the force to choke someone and at the same time say calmly, "I find your lack of faith disturbing." Vader was definately the coolest, but Yoda runs a close second. Obi Wan is third. I mean, the guy did kill Darth Maul and then mess Vader/Anakin up a little bit later on.

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Guest Fondas

Darth Vader,by far !!!

The skull-like helmet, the breathing, the black cape, the voice of James Earl Jones had made Darth Vader a cult figure in the movies industry !




The only place where success comes prior to work, is in a dictionary ! TZG+7



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Guest darth blood

vader, Solo, Lando, and Wedge In that order and depending on how Lucus portray Samual L Jackson's charater he may be the next cult figure inthe star wars universe

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Gunray is sad...No one say Nute Gunray is favorite...

Actually, I love Boba Fett. I've liked him since the first time I ever saw ESB, which was in 1987. (odd, I saw ESB before any other one)

Really, to be fair, I have a favorite from every movie.

TPM=Queen Amidala

ANH=Wedge Antilles

ESB=General Veers

ROTJ=Boba Fett



Babies crying and ghosts whispering lies from beyond the grave? The Dark Lord of the Sith I knew would have been ashamed to use such tactics.


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Guest Vark111

Leia. In her skimpy dancer's outfit from RotJ. as-drool.gif



Everyone should believe in something... I believe I'll have another beer.

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Guest Marril

Vader. I mean, the guy was cool. I wonder what would happen if he lived...


Obi-Wan (from Episode 1) runs a close second.

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You have to like Vader's no-nonsense management technique. wink.gif


My faves are Vader (for shear coolness), Leia (she obviously inherited her father's competence), Jar Jar (well, I like him), and Mara Jade (EU or not, she is the hottest woman in Star Wars, and Luke is damned lucky she'll even look at him).



Breath deep, seek peace --Traditional Dinotopian saying

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Guest Darth Massacator

Damn, I totally forgot to mention Obi-Wan. I was very impressed with Ewan McGregor's performance. It was cool to read in interviews how psyched he was to get that role.

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Guest Blood Hawk

I thought Wedge was the best. He is the only fighter pilot (besides the main ones like Luke) that fought in, and survived a battle in all three movies.




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Guest garyah99

Han Solo. A cross between Robin Hood, James Bond, and Capt Kirk. He is a rogue, a "scoundrel", yet a her figure that evryone can identify with.



"I get by with a little help from my friends...."

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Guest Commander Varth

I think that Wedge Antilles rocks! he was an awesome fighter pilot, and helped blow up both Death Stars.

Commander Varth

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