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i've been trying to hold my tongue on this thread, but when you start saying that the office is overrated? i shall be silent no more...;)


well ok i've only actually seen the uk version, but i have to say it is dire. it's a "real and gritty police drama" just like every other real and gritty police drama. there is no hint of anything even closly resemling original. the plots are contrived and the characters, mostly, are unlikable.


it is a police drama by numbers.


but then i don't really like police dramas anyway so i guess i'm not the target audience.

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Neon, you say as I've estimated, which is why I've put back watching the UK version.


The people behind the US version (the Hughs brothers) are true artists of the medium and storytellers. I don't even see the US version as a police drama; it's more like a psychodrama and a character study. From what I've read of the UK version, it looks like the US version really just based it off the characters than off any of the storylines. So remember Neon, you're signing up for the GOOD version that doesn't resemble what you describe.


And I never said the Office is bad, it is kind of funny, and I laughed quite a few times while watching a single episode. Unfortunately, more than one episode doesn't deepen anything, and every character on that show is a real jerk, so I can't grow to like them.

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i guess i'll have to take your word on it - but i fully accept that there are cirtain people (joss wheadon anyone?)who can make a great show from any concept.


as long as the characters have some real depth and their interactions are intersting and well written, the actual story that their set in doesn't necessarly matter.


as for the office, well i was only teasing anyway really. a lot of people say they like the office when they don't get it at all just to be part of the crowd. i'd much rather people who don't like it (or think it's overrated or whatever) actually said so.


it makes life so much more interesting when we all have different tastes.

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Yes. It's great we have so many opinions. It's just unfortunate that the majority of them is towards reality TV.


I'm kidding. I definitely believe everybody has their opinion and this is a good thing. Just as much, I believe that it is a healthy thing to argue an opinion. There's nothing wrong with asking someone why they didn't like a certain movie/book/TV show. It makes things a helluva lot more introspective. In fact, the more arguments we have (even if they're random and stupid arguments), the better we get at communicating. Terry Gilliam said in an interview that he isn't interested in someone just "liking" Monty Python, he'd rather talk to either someone who is a complete fanatic and loves it wholeheartedly, or someone who thinks it's absolute rubbish.


And I agree with you that Joss Whedon is probably the deepest explorer of character ever when it comes to tv writing. I'm anxiously waiting for Serenity (the Firefly movie) and, even more, the Illyria spinoff in talks, which may not happen, but its still a great idea.

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