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Favorite ship(s)?

Guest Rock_Lead

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Guest Vark111

Originally posted by Rock_Lead:

5.VSD`s:good ship, but slow, and not many guns.


Don't know about VSD's but VSDII's are a biatch and a half. I can pick apart ISDIIs in an A-wing all day long without getting a scratch, but I get so much as 1.5 klicks near a VSDII, I'm scrap metal. Probably because they are shorter, they can use their firing zones to cover more of the ship at once. You kill one of the weapon control boxes on an ISDII, and suddenly there's a blind zone you can take advantage of. No such luck with a VSDII.



Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day... Teach a man to fish and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.

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I'll take 4 cannons over two any day thank you very much!! X-Wings not manouverable???? Who taught you how to fly?? Who needs an ion cannon unless you're disabling something? Compare the X-wing to the Gunboat?? The x-Wing is MUCH faster, more manouverable, more cannons; handles like a bomber??? [milkshake] who are you anyway?[/milkshake]



LOL Look at the stats. The gunboat is more manuverable and has a better acceleration.

It also has 2 laser and 2 ion cannon which have a much better rate of fire compared to

4 laser cannons when linked together. The X-Wing only advantage over the Gun is 10

more speed. And the gun has twice the shields and warheads. The X-Wing look better

against the Y-Wing but the X-Wing speed and manuverability advantage isn't as good

as the Y-Wing durability and firepower advantage. Simply take a T/A and fight a

human pilot in a Y-Wing and then in an X-Wing. You will notice that it is much

harder to get past the Y-Wing in one piece.



[This message has been edited by ME_Jeldren (edited May 10, 2000).]

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Guest xwing_original

I don't care how you say the Gunboat is superior to the X-wing. I don't care about the stats. Just go out there and FLY them. An X-wing will take a Gunboat to town any night of the week. Plus there are a LOT more X-wing fans than Gunboat fans. Does THAT tell you anything?

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Originally posted by xwing_original:

I don't care how you say the Gunboat is superior to the X-wing. I don't care about the stats. Just go out there and FLY them. An X-wing will take a Gunboat to town any night of the week. Plus there are a LOT more X-wing fans than Gunboat fans. Does THAT tell you anything?


Well just look at the XvT Week of War. X-Wing and Guns have about the same popularity.

But there are many more Gunboat pilots among the top players compared to X-Wing pilots.

I have fought X-Wing with Guns serveral times. The X-Wing simply doesn't stand a chance

unless the X-Wing player has a much better skill/con than the gunboat pilot.

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Guest Greywolf

The A-wing is definately the best fighter there is for space superority and interception. Speed is the most important part of these roles. How are you going to kill a ship if you cant catch up to it!!


B-wing is the best heavy assault figher! The Y-wing doesn't even compare. The B-wing carries more warheads, has 3 ions and 3 lasers compared to the Y-wings 2 ions and 2 lasers, and has better speed and better shields.

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Guest TK421

You want space superiority, then ditch that A-wing and climb into a TIE Advanced, it's faster more agile and packs more firepower. Sure the A-wing can carry 4 more missiles, but in a TIE Advanced at least you can shoot down Advanced Missiles - no such luck with an Awing.


I'll take a T/A over anything for general Dogfighting and interception (T/Ds don't count - too superior), but the B-Wing is the instrument of choice for strike missions in my book.

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Guest IRD_Master

IRD = Great all round fighter! the best in my opinion!

The best Capital = Has to be either the Gunship or Normal Corvet.



If u see me, too late ur dead!

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LOL IRD!?!?!?! LOL


Sory, but it is NOT that geat of a fighter. it is more of a joke craft.


The funnest ship for me, is the NCA craft, Z-Int, its shields can only stop 2 laser blasts, it has HORRENDOUS accelration/decceleration, and it 2 lasers have 3 settings, single fire, Linked fire, or Overoad/Quad. one sot, and you are gone.

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In most previous polls I've stated that the TIE/Adv isn't as good as it used to be, I think that was because I was comparing it to the TIE/D, which no matter what anyone says absolutely rocks. But in recent sim missions I've been using the TIE/Adv more and as a result I've changed my opinion of it...It's now one of my favourite fighters (especially compared to the A-Wing...which I so detest its not even funny.)

I think that apart from the B-Wing, I've pretty much gone off the rebel fighters. They are all just to mediocre.


As for cap ships I'd go with the Modified Neb B...that thing chewed up my fully shielded X-Wing in less than three seconds when I wasn't paying attention once...



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Guest Z-95 Marauder

Z-95 Z-95 Z-95 Z-95 Z-95 Z-95 Z-95 Z-95 Z-95 Z-95 Z-95 Z-95 Z-95 Z-95 Z-95 Z-95 Z-95 Z-95 Z-95 Z-95 Z-95 Z-95 Z-95 Z-95 Z-95 Z-95 Z-95 Z-95 Z-95 Z-95 Z-95 Z-95 Z-95 Z-95 Z-95 Z-95 Z-95 Z-95 Z-95 Z-95 Z-95!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I think I got my point across!




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Guest TK421

Z-95 marauder in his "200% shielded and with invincibility on" Z-95 is so busy typing he doesn't see the empty beer can floating in space in front of him.... His Z-95 and the beer can collide. BOOM! .....The beer can continues to float happily along. biggrin.gif


I think I got my point across!


[This message has been edited by TK421 (edited May 14, 2000).]

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Guest TK421

But in recent sim missions I've been using the TIE/Adv more and as a result I've changed my opinion of it...It's now one of my favourite fighters (especially compared to the A-Wing...which I so detest its not even funny.)


Finally someone who agrees with me. biggrin.gif


* "Master Yoda, is the darkside stronger?...." *

* Yes, stronger, faster, better - we're in deep POODOO" *


J/K my rebel friends wink.gif


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Guest Marril

Originally posted by TK421:

* "Master Yoda, is the darkside stronger?...." *

* Yes, stronger, faster, better - we're in deep POODOO" *


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Guest garyah99

Originally posted by ME_Jeldren:

LOL Look at the stats. The gunboat is more manuverable and has a better acceleration.

It also has 2 laser and 2 ion cannon which have a much better rate of fire compared to

4 laser cannons when linked together. The X-Wing only advantage over the Gun is 10

more speed. And the gun has twice the shields and warheads. The X-Wing look better

against the Y-Wing but the X-Wing speed and manuverability advantage isn't as good

as the Y-Wing durability and firepower advantage. Simply take a T/A and fight a

human pilot in a Y-Wing and then in an X-Wing. You will notice that it is much

harder to get past the Y-Wing in one piece.



[This message has been edited by ME_Jeldren (edited May 10, 2000).]


LOL LOL LOL HAHAHAHA!! Have you ever actually played he game?? Gunboats faster than X-wings??? Y-Wings have more firepower??? Try taking several successive shots witha Y-Wing using either lasers, ions or both. within a dozen or so shots you're our of energy, even on max recharge. In an X-Wing you can practically fire all day without running out of juice. A Gunboat (NOT Missile Boat), is Soooooo slow. Try flying with shields and lasers turned up even 1 nothc each, You'll be lucky to get 50 MGLT's!!, and it handles like a Hippo with a broken leg. The only advantage either of these craft have over the X-Wing is they can carry more warheads. But so what. A good pilot can dodge or evade them without too much trouble.


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Even tho a GUN or Y-wing has 2 ions or 2 lasers, Green lasers fly at can fire faster, fly faster, and do less damage then Red lasers. But in both the Y-wing and GUn boat, if you had Lasers re-charging at +2 (all to lasers) and held down on the trigger, the Re-charge rate could not keep up twith the fire rate, but in the X-wing, if you do the same, it CAN keep up with the rate of fire.


if your still not sure how craft fly, or what thier stats are try Craft_Comparison

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Originally posted by garyah99:

LOL LOL LOL HAHAHAHA!! Have you ever actually played he game?? Gunboats faster than X-wings??? Y-Wings have more firepower??? Try taking several successive shots witha Y-Wing using either lasers, ions or both. within a dozen or so shots you're our of energy, even on max recharge. In an X-Wing you can practically fire all day without running out of juice. A Gunboat (NOT Missile Boat), is Soooooo slow. Try flying with shields and lasers turned up even 1 nothc each, You'll be lucky to get 50 MGLT's!!, and it handles like a Hippo with a broken leg. The only advantage either of these craft have over the X-Wing is they can carry more warheads. But so what. A good pilot can dodge or evade them without too much trouble.




I have never said that that gunboat is faster than the X-Wing. Have you ever fought

a human Y-Wing of Gunboat pilot in an X-Wing? I have over 12k player kills in

XvT and over 3k kills in XWA. I have NEVER lost in Y/B/Gun against an

X-Wing - even against top 10 ladder/WoW pilots.




[This message has been edited by ME_Jeldren (edited May 17, 2000).]

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Originally posted by K_Kinnison:

Even tho a GUN or Y-wing has 2 ions or 2 lasers, Green lasers fly at can fire faster, fly faster, and do less damage then Red lasers. But in both the Y-wing and GUn boat, if you had Lasers re-charging at +2 (all to lasers) and held down on the trigger, the Re-charge rate could not keep up twith the fire rate, but in the X-wing, if you do the same, it CAN keep up with the rate of fire.


if your still not sure how craft fly, or what thier stats are try Craft_Comparison


Well both Y-Wing and Guns have lots of shield energy. Just press shift F9 to recharge

them quickly. About that page. Well his results don't match mine. My rating of the crafts

abilities is based on multiplayer melees and mission in both XvT and XWA. X-Wings

die more often and have less kills/points than Y/B/A-Wing most of the time. This happens

even if a better skilled pilot is piloting the X-Wing.




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Guest TK421

Would some one please challenge Me_Jeldren to an online GUN vs XW melee and end this Gunboat addiction! I'd do it in a minute but my connection rate sucks so much a Z-95 could waste me.


I've never and I mean NEVER been vaped by a Gunboat online or against ACE or lower AI. The few times a TOPACE or better did get me was when I was concentrating on that pesky T/A or T/D I had down to 5% hull. The Gunboat is just no match against X-Wings, A-Wings, B-Wings, or any of the TIEs except maybe the TIE Bomber or TIE Fighter.

They're too slow, underarmed and cumbersome to fly.

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Guest Kokeeno IOS

IMHO the best transport ship is Otana.

Good shields + 2 gun turrets = 5:1 vs. Falcon M. (Super Ace AI) in skirmish. Padlock + flying around larger ship is the best way to kill larger craft.


My best Rebel craft is A-Wing - fast and deadly for unshielded imperial crafts, but has some problems with Guns (collisions).


I think that Y-Wing is nothing more than flying coffin (this cocpit) - low speed and turn makes it good targer for T/I or even Z95.

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Guest garyah99

Yes, Mr Jeldren, I have read your post several times now, and I still can't quite figure out what a "nerver" is. I DO know that I HAVE flown X-Wings, Y-Wings, GUNS, and every other craft flyable in TIE fighter, and XWA, and Y-Wings and Gunboats are slow, heavy pigs. If that's your cup of tea, that's your business. But please don't try to fool us with a bunch of trumped up statistics. You're not the only one that's ever played a Star wars game you know!!



Every dog has it's day, but a dog with a broken tail has a weak end.

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Originally posted by garyah99:

Yes, Mr Jeldren, I have read your post several times now, and I still can't quite figure out what a "nerver" is. I DO know that I HAVE flown X-Wings, Y-Wings, GUNS, and every other craft flyable in TIE fighter, and XWA, and Y-Wings and Gunboats are slow, heavy pigs. If that's your cup of tea, that's your business. But please don't try to fool us with a bunch of trumped up statistics. You're not the only one that's ever played a Star wars game you know!!


Well the statistics support my comments about X-Wings. Y/B/Guns are durable and have

a lot of fire power that's an advantage. A-Wings and most Ties are fast and manuverable

that's an advantage too. X-Wings are just average and that isn't an advantage. If you

don't belive this then simply tell me one X-Wing mission in either XvT,BoP or XWA

where an A- Y- or B-Wing wouldn't do a better job. About Multiplayer Melees.

Well anyone who says that Y/B/Guns suck in melees has never fought a Y/B/Gun

pilot with a good aim.



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Guest garyah99

Originally posted by ME_Jeldren:

. If you don't belive this then simply tell me one X-Wing mission in either XvT,BoP or XWA where an A- Y- or B-Wing wouldn't do a better job.

Hello Wall! mad.gif

Yes I can. Any of them, if you know how to use you power settings and weapons correctly. The ONLY time a Y or B wing has an advantage (or is even necessary), is when you have to disable something. If you wish to reply, I will read your response, but this topic appears to be going nowhere, I won't be adding any more to it.



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