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Favorite ship(s)?

Guest Rock_Lead

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Guest Ruhan Raeyaz

Wow! cool.gif

I am now glad that I looked at this post because of what I have learned. It seems that everyone's best craft is based on their best experiences and their prediliction of character.

It is very much like comparing martial arts to one another. My opinion is that your best performance will be in your favorite craft despite the stats or superiority, just as in martial arts, the best style is that which you 'feel' is right for you.


You cannot make a judgement about martial arts styles from just mere reasoning, but you certainly can by experiencing those styles, just as you cannot make a judgement on good craft until you fly it for yourself and it works or does not work for you.

My favorite craft is the A-wing. Fast, manueverable, hard to hit, plenty of missiles, etc. I think that the reason for this is

#1 - my vision is getting bad and I have to get right on someone's tail quickly to make a solid hit. A-wing is ideal for this.

#2 - It looks cool, I am in agreement with Ms. Talon, I am not female, but being able to zoom down the side-trench of an SSD at 120 mglt is exhilirating, (its a male thing)

#3 - I like being all over the battle field seeing all the action in a manner of seconds yet still be able to survive.

#4 - I was inspired by the heroic death of the A-wing pilot who took out the Executer in Return of the Jedi.


Regarding martial arts, my style is Southern Kung Fu,

specificly Hung Gar and some Choy Li Fut.

Why?#1-Kung Fu develops your body physicly as well as mentally more so than most Japanese, Korean, or American styles - its more physically demanding.

#2 - Techniques like Tiger and Crane are both practical and very cool looking.

#3 - It just feels right for me.


-Any style is good. Any space fighter is good. The pilot or the practitioner is the key.


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Guest TK421

Originally posted by Rock_Lead:

Will you quit the fighting!! This is a favorite craft topic, not an X-Wing vs. Gun topic!!


Good point Rock_Lead!

This thread is intended to allow you to express which craft you favour, Not try to ram your opinions down everybody else's throat! mad.gif


Now I'm an Imperial by choice, prefering the greater manourvability of the TIEs to the extended survivability of the Rebel fighters. Both sides have their pro's and con's it's simply a matter of knowing your craft, your adversary and yourself.

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Guest Jugalator

My fav fighter is the Pinook, since it's the worst (?) in the game and if you kill someone with it, it will make him/her go mad. wink.gif



"Always two there are. No more, no less. A master and an apprentice. - Yoda"

Jugalator, xwainfo.cjb.net



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Guest Marril

ah yes, the underestimated Pinook... kind of the Magikarp of XWA, don'cha think?


heh, heh, take out someone TIE Defender in a Pinook fighter and see them go insane! LOL!

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Guest Rock_Lead

I`m a Rebel by choice. I prefer being able to go at a ISD in an X-Wing to a Tie Fighter/Interceptor/Bomber. wink.gif

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Guest Rigel

I personally think the YT-2000, the ETR, and the ATR are tops for light transports. The're either heavily armed, or fast. They ALL have a high warhead capacity, and excellent sheilds.


As for this XW vs GUN fight, the GUN(NOT the Y-Wing) comes out on top. The BW works well too, especially if you take an example from the dogfights that go on every night on the Zone. A screaming hotshot in a AW or T/A or T/D takes on a grizzled warhound in a BW. The hotshot dies repeatedly. Hey, has anyone considered what happens to an X-Wing when it tries its hand at light transport killing?? It gets cut to peices by the Falcon.



Give me my GUN, and I'll kill Han Solo for everyone(It's an Imperial thing):p.



Rigel, deck 17,


Nova Star Destroyer




You don't know fear untill it comes in the form of heavy weapons

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I remember one FFA i ahd on the zone... one guy in a T/A andother in a X-wing, (both relitivly new) a TIE/Int (kinda experianced) and Me in an X-wing. I out i got more kills then anyone else, and if you combine thier toatl kills, i doubled that.


Here is what i did:


Lasers at +1 shields at -2, i now have the speed and manuverbility of a T/A, also with the speed i am harder to hit. The TIE/Int was a one shot kill for me, he was flying too straight and he usually died at about 1.1km from me. The X-W pilot died in three shots i usually jinked and snap shooted him, and the T/A pilot was allways targeting me for some reason, 3 shots and he would be either hurting, or vapor, the trick is to get them as they pass you.


Some addtional reasons for the X-wing. The laser spread gives you either fire power with the laser convergances, or accuracy without...something that the T/A does not have.


It has a Low Frontal profile then any of the Imperial ships, ('cept the T/F from the front) which makes it harder to hit at long range


It's lasers have a very good recharge rate, i can time my shots and get the ernergy barely at a double charge. i never run out of energy for the laser...even after my shields have been discharged. Something that i cannot say for any many Ion equiped craft. or craft with 2 lasers


The shield can stop one full blast, which i used to "fight dirty" meaning i use what i have so i can get a better shot. even the hull can take 3 laser blasts before i die.


I found that if my hull does take damage either 1 of two systems get knocked out, either the lasers, or Manuverability. NEVER THE ENGINES, so that means even if my tetth get knocked out, or i cannot dodge i can either put everythign into my engines and pray, or keep the other guy in front of me os i dont get shot, and when my trusty r2 fixes them i have a perfect shot. One thing i have noticed with the Gunbot is one of the systmes that get knocked out is not the manuvcerbility, but the engines..which makes you a sitting duck.


Now...my martial arts style


I practice what would be a Free style type Tae Kwon Do, i have gotten my black belt in TKD, and now have benn practicing Akido, and Moderan Arnis, with a little ninjitsu when ever i can.


My fighting style since i have long legs is based on accuarcy, and speed. I can get in close and duke it out, but i prefer to out manuver my opponent and get a hard fast shot into the body, or a snap at the head. I liek to mix it up, never doing the same thing twice. I dont think i have fun unless me and my opponent score withen a split second on eachother. I dont mind taking a light hit, if i can get a more visible and sometimes harder (i do have good control) hit to the body. besides..its't that what pads are for? to protect?


my favorite thing to do is a spin wheel kick (hiting with the outside of my foot, followed by a round house with the other leg (top of the foot) and then a Spin side kick (bottom of the next foot), and if needed i can lead in with a jab, and step punch. 3 kicks, and 2 punches, using all of my weapons, and being a very dangerous taget to hit



Has the mass media reached a verdict yet?

BOW DOWN BEFORE the Official Forum Pun-isher

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Guest Kokeeno IOS

For dogfight I prefer X-Wing with settings: shields: 0; lasers: -2; Top speed is curently 125, but you have energy stored in your shields, so you can transfer it to your guns, when you want to shoot down your opponent.

Anyway T/A is still better...

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Guest Kokeeno IOS

Originally posted by Jugalator:

My fav fighter is the Pinook, since it's the worst (?) in the game and if you kill someone with it, it will make him/her go mad. wink.gif



Do you think Pinook is the worst? Try T/B!


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Guest Marril

The TIE Bomber at least has a moderate warhead capacity (though Missile Boat is light-years better), and the Pinook's shields and hull take less than the TIE Bomber. IMO, it's a toss-up between them for the worst.

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Originally posted by K_Kinnison:

I remember one FFA i ahd on the zone... one guy in a T/A andother in a X-wing, (both relitivly new) a TIE/Int (kinda experianced) and Me in an X-wing. I out i got more kills then anyone else, and if you combine thier toatl kills, i doubled that.


Here is what i did:


Lasers at +1 shields at -2, i now have the speed and manuverbility of a T/A, also with the speed i am harder to hit. The TIE/Int was a one shot kill for me, he was flying too straight and he usually died at about 1.1km from me. The X-W pilot died in three shots i usually jinked and snap shooted him, and the T/A pilot was allways targeting me for some reason, 3 shots and he would be either hurting, or vapor, the trick is to get them as they pass you.


Some addtional reasons for the X-wing. The laser spread gives you either fire power with the laser convergances, or accuracy without...something that the T/A does not have.


It has a Low Frontal profile then any of the Imperial ships, ('cept the T/F from the front) which makes it harder to hit at long range


It's lasers have a very good recharge rate, i can time my shots and get the ernergy barely at a double charge. i never run out of energy for the laser...even after my shields have been discharged. Something that i cannot say for any many Ion equiped craft. or craft with 2 lasers


The shield can stop one full blast, which i used to "fight dirty" meaning i use what i have so i can get a better shot. even the hull can take 3 laser blasts before i die.


I found that if my hull does take damage either 1 of two systems get knocked out, either the lasers, or Manuverability. NEVER THE ENGINES, so that means even if my tetth get knocked out, or i cannot dodge i can either put everythign into my engines and pray, or keep the other guy in front of me os i dont get shot, and when my trusty r2 fixes them i have a perfect shot. One thing i have noticed with the Gunbot is one of the systmes that get knocked out is not the manuvcerbility, but the engines..which makes you a sitting duck.



I just fought an X-Wing in a 2vs2 yesterday. 2 hits with quad fire(Y-Wing) and the

X was a dead target in space 90% of the time. It sill had 60-80% system left.

We(Y-Wing + T/A vs X-Wing + T/I) won the fight 38:12 and I got 28 full and 6

shared kills. BTW whats your Zonename? I would really like to fight you sometimes.

I rarely get some good opponents in XWA. The opposition in XvT is much better.



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My zone name is NRES_Gremlin


And it is understandble that you acn take out a X-wing iwth 2 hits from a Y-wing or Gun...withthose Ion cannons, the thing is that Ions don't have the range or speed as Laser do. Actually i would love to do a Mixed ship war on the zone..but there is never any interest, everyone wants to play in the WoW and do the other WoW events, and dont really care for it

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Guest Sir Overkill

My favorite ship is the B-Wing. For all of those who think that its too slow or not maneuverable then heres a lesson in military weapons. ONE WORD: TANK. Slow but powerful. The B-Wing and every "Assault-Fighter" class figher carries enuf shielding and armour to stand up to the pelting of weenie starfighters until their cannons can be brought to bare on the faster and more maneuverable fighter. The sheer force of thier cannons in enuf to take out the little fighters in only a few hits. Plus they work much better against Cap Ships than an A-Wing or TIE-Fighter. So there you have it. Give me a B-Wing or Gunboat or any assault-fighter or bomber and I'll take on any mission from Cap Ship/Base assault to interception.

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Guest Sir Overkill

My favorite ship is the B-Wing. For all of those who think that its too slow or not maneuverable then heres a lesson in military weapons. ONE WORD: TANK. Slow but powerful. The B-Wing and every "Assault-Fighter" class figher carries enuf shielding and armour to stand up to the pelting of weenie starfighters until their cannons can be brought to bare on the faster and more maneuverable fighter. The sheer force of thier cannons in enuf to take out the little fighters in only a few hits. Plus they work much better against Cap Ships than an A-Wing or TIE-Fighter. So there you have it. Give me a B-Wing or Gunboat or any assault-fighter or bomber and I'll take on any mission from Cap Ship/Base assault to interception.

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Guest Dark Dude

Personaly I like the X-Wing over the GUN. Because its is not as fast as an XW and not as maneuverable.

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Originally posted by K_Kinnison:

My zone name is NRES_Gremlin


And it is understandble that you acn take out a X-wing iwth 2 hits from a Y-wing or Gun...withthose Ion cannons, the thing is that Ions don't have the range or speed as Laser do. Actually i would love to do a Mixed ship war on the zone..but there is never any interest, everyone wants to play in the WoW and do the other WoW events, and dont really care for it


You can still fly mixed melees in the WoW - but it is hard to get opponents. Most pilots

prefer single ship type melees. Some squads have internal Reb. vs Imp. Wars. You could

try to join one of them.


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Originally posted by K_Kinnison:

Sorry but in the WoW you have to fly mirrored craft, and i am talking about a Mixed Reb vs IMP war. There just is no interest for a Big WoW style Reb vs IMP war, b/c most of the ppl on the zone want to fly TIE/Ints


Well there are still NMWs but it looks like that NMWs are only somewhat popolar

in XvT.


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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest O-B One



Originally posted by Sir Overkill:

My favorite ship is the B-Wing. For all of those who think that its too slow or not maneuverable then heres a lesson in military weapons. ONE WORD: TANK. Slow but powerful.



I agree! One B-Wing equipped with Mag Pulses can destroy an ISDII, solo.


[This message has been edited by O-B One (edited June 20, 2000).]

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Guest JC_DeadEye

I'd have to go for the TIE Interceptor. It just takes a lot more experience to fly and I like the feeling of needing to "stay on my toes" it gives me. The key is never stay on a single flight path for more than a split second. Keep constantly shifting the fighter around so your enemy has a hard time getting a clear shot at you. Oh, you need a lot of luck too. smile.gif


Anybody who thinks a T/A or T/D is totally awsome and unbeatable needs to get a life. If you don't like the TIE Interceptor and are a Rebel fan, get a trusty X-Wing out, it will never fail you. I have spoken.



X-Wing Alliance Upgrade member.

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Guest Fuzzy Bear

Imps: T/A.

Rebs: Either an A-Wing or an X-Wing. Both are worthy crafts.



"Look! Your Schwartz is as big as mine! Now lets see how well you handle it."

Spaceballs - When Lone Star and Dark Helmet are fighting.

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Guest Leagle eagle


Great all - rounder, durable, (10 sbd makes a lot of diff. against brights)

Carrys beam.

Plenty of laser charge -you do not need to fight with shields recharging, lasers recharging, (for a bit, only whaen decent shield) meaning you can carry a substancial edge in a fight.

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Originally posted by Leagle eagle:


Great all - rounder, durable, (10 sbd makes a lot of diff. against brights)

Carrys beam.

Plenty of laser charge -you do not need to fight with shields recharging, lasers recharging, (for a bit, only whaen decent shield) meaning you can carry a substancial edge in a fight.

??? X-Wings can't carry a beam weapon. Crafts that can equip one can get a speed advantge

if they set to beam energy to full engines.



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