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DirectX Problems


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Hello all,


I've just discovered this website and was so inspired to play Grim Fandango again (a game near and dear to my heart), so I installed the game on my computer and the patch and a box came up when I tried to start a new game asking to install DirectX 6.0. If I push cancel, the game will not load, so I pushed Install and another dialog box came up, with an option that says "ReInstall DirectX 6.0". I push that, and within seconds, it says, "DirectX Setup has completed successfully." All well and good, right? Nope. I push Play Grim Fandango again and the same boxes come up, the game never loading. Can anyone help? I should mention that I have DirectX 9.0 installed on my PC, but seeing as the game wouldn't load without dealing with DX 6.0...


If anyone could help, I would really appreciate it. I love this game to death (pardon the pun) and would love to play it again.

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  • 5 months later...

It is possible that your DirectX installation was somehow corrupted, or that your installation is set up in such a way that Grim Fandango cannot detect that you have it installed.


To be sure that it isn't a matter of you not having it installed properly, go and download the latest version of DirectX from here. Install it, reboot, try Grim Fandango.


If it still fails, then clearly the game is not managing to detect your installation of DirectX after all, despite it being there. In this case, try using an alternate launcher such as this one. It's a long shot, but Benny's launcher may skip the DirectX checking procedure.


If none of that helps, then I'm really not sure of what to suggest. Outdated graphics card drivers could potentially be a culprit, so make sure that you visit your card's homepage (nvidia.com for example, if you have a Geforce card) and grab the latest set.

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