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EMI Gubernatorial Seal?


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Hey all, it seems I've hit a bit of a snag in Escape from Monkey Island. After getting Otis, Carla and Mr. Cheese on my crew, I set about finding a ship. About two frustrating hours later I resorted to looking up a walkthrough and found that I apparently need a Gubernatorial Seal from Elaine, but every time I try to talk to her Guybrush just says something about their marriage vows and I still don't have the seal. I've already spoken to the harbor mistress about 50 times too. Can anyone help?

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Usually, when you're by a character, you can talk to them by pressing the "use" key as an alternate to hitting enter when it says "Talk to person." In order to allow the extra joke about marriage vows, "use" won't work for Elaine when you want to talk to her, so when it says "Talk to Elaine" onscreen, just press enter. You should then start engaging in conversation and Guybrush should be able to tell her about the ship problem.

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