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A few 'detailed' questions...


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I would have replied in the locked thread below, as mine 'kinda' applies....



A few details:

I've been playing XWA mostly. I don't really like FPSs. But I figured I'd make an exception for this one.


I'm not that great, but I'm doing ok I guess. (Avg ~25~50 kills per game @ med in gal conquest).



I've RTFM. I want to learn about the strategies that aren't in the manual. For instance, at the beginning of the first battle on Bespin, it says 'use the wookies wisely'.....do they mean BE a wookie, or just like, command them?





:atat:(<- I still think that one's really cool)


And help would rock.



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It's spelled Wookiee, not Wookie, and one of the Rebel units is a Wookiee Smuggler you can play as. On Kashyyyk, there are Wookiee NPC's (non-playable characters) that run around and help the Rebels and Republic Clones, and hinder the Imperials and Separatists. I've never tried to "command" them with the "follow me," etc. voice commands, though.

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