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Darth Groovy

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I finally found a way to record my old 4-track stuff from my old band Vent, into mp3 format. I promised to link these long ago. This is my first attempt. The song I am posting was our biggest hit. This was a regular favorite on a Phili radio station. mARC knew the DJ, sent him a tape, and it got played as a regular local favorite on the radio, despite it's poor sound quality.


"Megalith" Music by mARC Remp, vocals and lyrics by Taro (AKA Darth Groovy)




Grey stone, shallow deep, still standing still

confusing the manic me, your world a shower of disruption. Somber sacherine turns in my stomach, exausting are my last attempts to move you. Pushing and pulling, still standing still.

You speak more when nothing is said, as the keystone to my existance. Still standing still, still standing still. Without you holding up our spirits, the past just falls and hits me in the face. Still standing still, still standing still, still standing still. Sledgehammers can not crust your vibrant lifelessness, holding you in adoration, the past just falls and hits me in the face. Still standing still, still standing still, still standing still. I covet your millstone vitality. Still standing still, still standing still, still standing still. Pushing and pulling...



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