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Leper Messiah

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A lot of people think that this is one of the best single-player mods for JK2 (even though it isn't Star Wars), and I agree with them http://jediknight2.filefront.com/file/Colosseum_Version_10;16736


Then there is this classic, which spawned a whole category (ladder maps) http://jediknight2.filefront.com/file/The_Ladder_Full_Map_Music;2198


if you have dialup, it's also available without the music for a much smaller download http://jediknight2.filefront.com/file/;2199

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I'm kinda new to modding and stuff, but basically I'm looking for a new look for Kyle in single player.


I've been searching around the net looking for skins to replace his design (he's a little too old for me :p ) but I cant find any that will support single player.


My ideal skin would be Revan. I've saw some great multiplayer skins for him, but none work in SP. I've also tried another 3 random skin downloads, but they dont work either (in SP that is).


Anyone point me in the direction of good SP skins plz? :D

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