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Obi-Wan Reskin


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very cool , cant wait to see it in game...let me know if you need help getting it hexed in.. I just post a mini faq on my fastest hexing way so far in the Bcompiler this should help :




After i modded and saved my files then reformatted them with bcompiler ::


1. Open hex editor and copy EVERYTHING in the .dds for dxt1 lvl of what your modding (and notice how many bytes it says you have selected.)



2. Open in hex , the file your replacing you mod skin into and type "name of thing your modding" when it takes you to where the item/unit is look for the area under it saying BODY and then LVL_ (if you dont see those things keep hitting next with your mod items name still selected)


3. PASTE EVERYTHING from the copy you just made and put it OVER the LVL_ all the way down to the same amount of bytes that you noticed you selected when you copied. PASTE IT IN . (most skins are @ 43992 bytes for dxt1)


In most files it takes a little bit of time to paste over it all so let it do its thing in hex, when its done save and do the same thing for the rgb file (you just reformatted in bcompiler) which should be alot larger then the dxt1 file was.(usually skins are 175051 bytes)


Repeat those until both files are hexed in and go load it up!


Doing the same things above I modded an entire skin for Hoth Sniper in less than 5 minutes.

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îúëåï ùì ëéùåó îäéø!


àçøé ùàðé îåããàã åçñëúé àú ä÷áöéí ùìé àæ ôéøîèúé îçãù àåúí òí áëåîôéìàø ::




The instrutions are for modding the SWBF game ...Read the the many forum posts about hex editing if that word is confusuing, this also explains using the tools Bviewer and Bcompiler to mod the skins for the game , read more in te forums about modding the game..... then this will fall into place...


good luck :)

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Originally posted by kingguru

îúëåï ùì ëéùåó îäéø!


àçøé ùàðé îåããàã åçñëúé àú ä÷áöéí ùìé àæ ôéøîèúé îçãù àåúí òí áëåîôéìàø ::




The instrutions are for modding the SWBF game ...Read the the many forum posts about hex editing if that word is confusuing, this also explains using the tools Bviewer and Bcompiler to mod the skins for the game , read more in te forums about modding the game..... then this will fall into place...


good luck :)

How did you writed in hebrew???

or did you use dictionary?

I'll try looking on Hex posts

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well if he followed the pattern of the mace skin down to the last pixle, then it wont have any problems with the suit, the suit will look alright, im not 100% sure about the head, u might be able to get away with it i mean is lukes hair a special part of the model? if the mace reskin doesnt work with the hair u could always try luke reskinnned

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