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a couple of questions


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After about a six months Im thinking about coming back to the game. I was just wondering whats all changed since I left. (about the time when vehicles were patched.) Alot of my friends are trying to convince me to hold out for another MMORPG that is coming out shortly and I was just wondering what this game has to offer still and some of the changes that have taken place and how the game might be different starting all over again. This might be hard to catch (Im terrible with words) but any advice, comments or anything would be awesome. Thanks

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you left when vehicles came out?

pfff so much so much let me try.


1. player cities came out. people got betrayed by the aliegance they were with just for a good slap of land thanx to cities :(. people mis used the city warn/ city ban thingy and since then the other powerfull beings beside mayor have no use. you need 55 citizens for a shuttleport wich is a lot harder to get then it seems. other then that player cities are cool. if the mayor is a good one that is. i only seen about 3 nice looking ones amongts the 100's there are.



2. tougher quests. like the death watch bunker (mandalorien warriors). where you can get special schematic .... with (you guessed it) the mandalorian armor. BAD BAD BAD SOE! but unless you have 50 rifleman 5 docs and 10 combat medics. or 30 jedi. its IMPOSSIBLE to reach.

the other is the corellian corvette (like the one in Episode IV). looks amazing. really cool... only bad thing SOE did is add IMPOSSIBLE to beat battle droids.... with unlesss again you have the right professions mixed or 20 or 30 jedi. the ones that did make it used the cheat version that was available in the first month.... after dying 20 times myself the good way i decided to do the cheat way..... and you never guess what they did... THEY FIXED THE CHEAT!!!!

so thats a downside


3. vehicles. well mounst you already knew.. but tey added a few more mounts... like the CU PA and BANTHA!. vehicles are tye swoop bike (fast) speederbike (medium) and a landspeeder (slow)

if you pre ordered JTL you got a free speeder (wich with my luck i didnt get because i pre ordered before they offered the free gift :() its as slow as landspeeder but looks cool.

then if you ever were able to complete the corvette i mentioned you can get this HUGE landspeeder that is the FASTEST of em all..


4. some profession changes. like chef. better food. cant live without chefs now

image designer. there are now special tents in big cites for them but it also awoke the money sharks that charge 50000 credits for stat change. i hate it when everyone is rich.

merchant. a master merchant has like 12 vendors now. and you get 2 at managment 4 in artisan.

1 extra crafting profession with JTL. shipwright. you need TONS AND TONS AND TONS of stuff to grind it... or even if you dpnt grind it you still need the tons and tons and tons.

they nerfed combat medic. its not as powerfull as it wass... doctors make tons of money cause everyone wants to solo fght and doctors give buffs. also they can now cure flame and have special disease and poison buffs that make you better resistant against them.

pike is still weak just as carbine.... rifleman and all other melee still own. ( PISTOLEER FOR EVER)


5. JTL! jtl simply rocks. space flying owns if you can find a good shipwright anbd the coolest part is you can join the different groups... like RSF, Corsec, smugglers guild... not just the boring empire and rebels :) so JTL is a haver :)


6. empire got nerfed. at st's easier to take down (WHINY REBELS) and with the imperial knockdown (WHAT A JOKE) rebels can get easy fp.... imps are again nerfed.


there is prolly a whole other ton of things i missed and i think i come across a tad negative about a lot of things... but despite everything i love this game.... its rocks!





Corzip Dinn

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