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Inyuasha RP


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This place durning the time after the last ep of Inyusha you can be Sesshomaru because he is the only brother alive, be or your own demon/human or whatever you want that has 2 do with Inyuasha you can be the characters from the show or your own, though NOT Inyuasha, because he dies in last Ep (sry for Spoiler) If your Sesshomaru you get the two swords, Tetsaiga, and teh other (I forgot the name :( ) I will also allow Hattrio Hanzo Sowrds.










Bio: (Opitional)




--------My CHar-------


Name: Joe Kurifufurude Fuerudebinderu (My full name in Japanesse)

Age: Looks like 27 but is 123

Race: Half Demon Half Human

Gender: Male

Weapons: Katana of Red Flame , Long Bow

Clothing: Ninja Suit, Samurai Torso, boots, shoulder, hand armor, a piece of cloth just going below his eyes, showing his hair and eyes, Sword, arrows, and bow on his back.

Appearance: Brown hair coming down to his neck, green eyes, musclar.


Bio: Met Sesshomaru after the death of Inyuasha, Sesshomaru and Joe have been allies every sense they met. Joe is awsome with his sword and with a bow. Joe is mostly a peacful person and doesnt usally attack people.







Was wandering through the woods about to come up to an average size town.


"Perhaps I can get soem food up in this village" Joe said to himself.

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Name : Denieru Arekanderu Furusuteado


Age : 457


Origin : Half Human, Half Demon.


Weapons : Amulet Of Time and Dimension, Magic, Blood Reaver


Clothes : Brown Leather Jacket, Brown Leather Boots, Black Trousers, Black Shirt.


Background Information : Denieru was Abbandoned By his Parents with the one memento Of a Mysterious Amulet and A sword, He was Set On Finding His Parents With The Aid Of His Amulet and Sword but did not succeed, he later decided to Defend the world from Evil and protect people.


Although Good at Heart, Denieru has a dangerous temper which can at times get out of hand.


Pictures :






Out Of Character : Also Check Out my RPG forums RPG Forums

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Joe was walking on a path through woods about to come up into a village.


"FInally, I get some food there!" Joe said exictingly to himself. Joe burst into a run until he reach the village.


He went to the market and bought some food, he took down the piece of cloth that covered his mouth and nose for just 2 sec, no one say his face, but the food was gone.


"That was good food" Joe said to himself, as Joe as day dreaming about something he ran into a pale figure


"Errrr, Sorry, Sir." Joe said and then continued to walk on...


(Jack I just walked into u.)

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Joe isn't harlmed by this iste, unliek the rst of the humans running aorund and screaming.


"I said, I doubt you eat punks like me." Joe loses his smirk, he turns around, facing the vampire.


Joe draws a 8 inche long knife from his belt.




(btw, i dont get why you guys are using liek SR and BR because this is INYUASHA!!!!! not the LOK series...-_-..........)

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