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Q3 Engine Game Bugs / JA bugs


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The warning is: warning C4204: nonstandard extension used : non-constant aggregate initializer


Just a little clarification - you may only initialize a const with a constant expression (i.e a number). The reason for this is simple - when the compiler compiles your code, the const variable is replaced by its value everywhere it appears. Initializing it with the value of another variable can't be resolved until run-time, therefore it's not an acceptable behavior.


Since the const variable must be resolved during compile time and not run-time, you get that error.

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not sure if this is a 'bug' ,

but vehicles do not open shields,



void ShieldTouch(gentity_t *self, gentity_t *other, trace_t *trace)

gentity_t *owner;

//Vehicle open shield's too! - GA
if(other->s.NPC_class == CLASS_VEHICLE) {
else {
other = other->m_pVehicle->GA_LastRider;
if(!other->inuse || !other->client)return;

if (g_gametype.integer >= GT_TEAM)
{ // let teammates through
	// compare the parent's team to the "other's" team
	if (self->parent && ( self->parent->client) && (other->client))
		if (OnSameTeam(self->parent, other))
{//let the person who dropped the shield through
	if (self->parent && self->parent->s.number == other->s.number)
	else if(InSameGang(owner,other)) ShieldGoNotSolid(self);
	else if(self->genericValue13!=0 && self->genericValue13 <= other->client->pers.ShieldRank)ShieldGoNotSolid(self);//Rank based shiels
//NPC's who leader owns the shield

if (other && other->inuse && other->s.eType==ET_NPC){
///Not going to use the above way ,, just going to call ShieldTouch on the owner


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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 months later...

gloat really should only work when saber is out because it shows sparks even when weapon is not saber...


			if ( ent->client->ps.weapon == WP_SABER )
			if ( ent->client->saber[0].gloatAnim != -1 )
				anim = ent->client->saber[0].gloatAnim;
			else if ( ent->client->saber[1].model 
					&& ent->client->saber[1].model[0]
					&& ent->client->saber[1].gloatAnim != -1 )
				anim = ent->client->saber[1].gloatAnim;
				switch ( ent->client->ps.fd.saberAnimLevel )
				case SS_FAST:
				case SS_TAVION:
					anim = BOTH_VICTORY_FAST;
				case SS_MEDIUM:
				case SS_STRONG:
				case SS_DESANN:
					if ( ent->client->ps.saberHolstered )
					{//turn on first
						G_Sound( ent, CHAN_WEAPON, ent->client->saber[0].soundOn );
					ent->client->ps.saberHolstered = 0;
				case SS_DUAL:
					if ( ent->client->ps.saberHolstered == 1 
						&& ent->client->saber[1].model 
						&& ent->client->saber[1].model[0] )
					{//turn on second saber
						G_Sound( ent, CHAN_WEAPON, ent->client->saber[1].soundOn );
					else if ( ent->client->ps.saberHolstered == 2 )
					{//turn on first
						G_Sound( ent, CHAN_WEAPON, ent->client->saber[0].soundOn );
					ent->client->ps.saberHolstered = 0;
					anim = BOTH_VICTORY_DUAL;
				case SS_STAFF:
					if ( ent->client->ps.saberHolstered )
					{//turn on first
						G_Sound( ent, CHAN_WEAPON, ent->client->saber[0].soundOn );
					ent->client->ps.saberHolstered = 0;

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Originally posted by razorace

While on the subject, has anyone else noticed bots wearing the wrong teams in team games?


Also, I have finally fixed the Hoth Bridge exploit if anyone is interested.


never noticed wrong team colors...


i would like that but siege doesnt work for rs or my basejka :/

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no, siege gives max cvars error...


actually base works for me now, for some reason all my rs cvars n **** were in base's config...


but i found a bug in cmd_kill_f with siege...



	if ( ent->client->sess.sessionTeam == TEAM_SPECTATOR ) {

shouldnt it be this, i was playing around and when i was specing when i could move, and pressed kill and i actually died again...


	if ( ent->client->sess.sessionTeam == TEAM_SPECTATOR || ent->client->tempSpectate > level.time ) {

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maybe but the cvar doesnt exist in the game code. i got it working using bot_nochat2.


in ai_util.c find the function BotDoChat


just below the gentity_t *cobject; line add:


	if (bot_nochat2.integer)
	return 0;



you will of course need to make the cvar in g_local.h and g_main.c.

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