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Low Cpu...

Guest Hump

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I have a P-120, 48-mg ram, and a 4-mg Pci video card. The demo of XWA actually run on my PC. I want to know if the entire game will run or if there will be too much lag...


thanks (hump59@hotmail.com)

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Guest Scoundrel67

Don't bother buying XWA unless you are getting a new system. The lag is terrible with anything less than a P300, 64MB RAM, and an 8MB video card. Again, these are minimums. Always assume that the minimum requirements listed on the box are what it takes to run the game with all graphics/sounds turned down to their lowest settings. Even this will often result in a moderate amount of chop when there's a major action sequence on screen.


XWA is selling for $29.95 these says, so you're not going to be out too much money if it doesn't work well enough on your machine to keep you from swearing up a blue cloud. Still, I'd advise you to save your pennies for a new machine or some serious upgrades for your old one.


The old Pentium Is came with motherboards that can only handle up to a 200mhz overdrive chip. If you switch motherboards you can probably install one that can handle up to 500mhz in the case architecture you presently own. Of course, then you'll have to add a 16 or 24MB video card and bump the ram up to 96 or 128MB to let the main processor really use it's speed to your fullest advantage. After you add up all of those hardware goodies it might be cheaper to shop around for a good used machine.


Best of luck, friend.



They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.

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Scoundrel 67 is full of s**t! It ran fine on my p166 32mb ram. Although ur computer is getting aged and u should upgrade soon anyway I bet it'll go fine on ur 'puter. A very cheap upgrade option for you would be buying a super socket7 board ~= $120 a very good AGP card with all beels and wistles i.e. Voodoo3, TNT1 or 2, Voodoo velocity, i740, all the above $50->$150 Using ur existing ram, bring ur CPU up to 150 with better cooling and for $250 u'll be nuking ties and the DSII in no time. Another option would be doubling your ram, and scrounging a 2nd hand Voodoo2 for about 50 to 100. Investing in a supsock7 has the advantage of AGP and 168SDRAM sockets becoz it's cheaper to buy a new board and current SDRAM because 72 bin RAM is hard to find AND expensive. Or dig up a complete PII with kick-ass video card(video card is more important than guts!) for 500-750. In short it will run but for not much more you can make it run well!

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Guest Scoundrel67

The excrement is found elsewhere, friend. No one wants to run this game with everything turned down and when you start playing around with things like the NCA patch, AlliEd 1.5, and possibly the XWA upgrade opts, you'll find first generation Pentiums falling well short of the performance necessary to make things flow smoothly. This goes double if you load up the missions you create with large numbers of capital ships and space stations.


Why factor in these add-ons? This is a very enjoyable game for all, but especially for Star Wars devotees. Lucas Arts will not be making any other space combat simulators based upon Episodes IV-VI until Episodes I-III are complete, so we're going to have to make this one last a good long time. As we both suggested, a Pentium II-grade system will go a long way toward extending the life of this game and that is what this fellow needs to know.



They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.

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Scoundrel, I see ur point now and as you may or may not no I've been given a reprimind for saying ppl are full of s**t? I guess I remember not so long ago when I had my 486-100, and managed to coax it to run XvT no hassles! This whole go out and buy new technology attitude is wrong. Sometimes putting a bigger hard drive with a lower seek time dramatically increases system performance more than doubling CPU and RAM. It seems these days whenever someone asks a question in this forum one clown says download this patch, another clown says get a faster computer, but in this thread it IS relevant! I kept my dx4-100 alive til my 166mx! My P2-233 did fine and probabally still would do fine but I grapped p3 450 simply becoz it was cheap and it'll do to the new p4 I'll bet! When I got my 166 I restored my 100 to the reliable win311, because it works! When I ordered in the 3.11 version of a mathematics program 4 uni the inept clerk told me I should upgrade my computer because win95 was all the rage these days! This guy is obviously interested in stretching his technology dollar! I suggested ways to do it, we'd all like a p3 933, voodoo5 6000 2gb registed DDR RAM with ECC, and all the other mayhem, but why use a sledgehammer to crack an egg, if this guy gets a p2-233 with a TNT2 and 64 meg, his gaming will be fine for the next 6 months! Or are u a computer salesman scoundrel?

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I do not like the way you are talking to the other members of this board Magnum. The next time you call some one ,besides yourself, any unappropriate remark you and me are going to have a problem. There is nothing wrong with giving your opinion but you don't need to do so by putting another member down. You can say that you dissagree and then give your reason why and leave it at that.



King Stallion

Nuff said!


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You are a ****ing jack-boot NAZI commy **** who has no respect for freedom of speech u piece of ****! Yes I am questioning your authority! Moderator would have to be the conquest of some of the lamest ppl on earth? The best forums are moderated by users, if I snap at someone, they snap back they don't dob to some little hittler on a pretty piss-poor megalamanic episode. Who puffs up his chest. I replied to the other ****wits reprimind at the DSII Laser question page and said look sorry, won't do it again, and pointed out he was flying off the handle, and he gave me another lame warning you guy are hella lame!



Originally posted by GUNNER:

I do not like the way you are talking to the other members of this board Magnum. The next time you call some one ,besides yourself, any unappropriate remark you and me are going to have a problem. There is nothing wrong with giving your opinion but you don't need to do so by putting another member down. You can say that you dissagree and then give your reason why and leave it at that.




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*sigh* I've never done this before...BUT...


The lamest people are earth are the ones like you that flip out because you treat other people like ****. And then while you're disrespecting people and calling them lame, you can't spell half your words right at all, which is something that tends to be very lame to begin with.

Moderator would have to be the conquest of some of the lamest ppl on earth?

And that sentence plain doesn't make sense boy.

And this forum IS moderated by users...GUNNER is the most loved guy around here. It's too bad I'm not an admin, because I'd sure like the job of getting rid of you. If you're not already gone...




I don't need a fancy title. I'm better than you and you know it--Radivil Shestoi, Pilot of Gundam 006 DemonHawk to Duo Maxwell

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Guest Scoundrel67

A computer salesman? Click on the R2 droid and enlightenment shall be yours.


Getting back to the thread, having dealt with bosses who are adamant buyers of average equipment and then wonder why they're dealing with more maintenance costs and down time than expected, I have no qualms about admitting my against short term thinking. You say that the modifications that you suggest will carry this fellow for another 6 months. Perhaps, but then what? He'll have to sink more money into an already obsolete system that won't run the latest games, that's what.


Now, he didn't mention any other games, but it's a fair assumption that if you're interested in XWA, you're probably interested in at least one or two other games on the market right now. If you check the shelves of your local electronics store, you'll find minimums of 266 and 300mhz are commonplace. If that fellow is on an ultra tight budget, I'll grant you that upgrading his system is the best thing to do for the time being. He could be just a high school kid without the cash flow to invest in a more modern system.


If, however, he also has an eye on other, newer games and is just a tightwad, he'd be better served by prying open his wallet, shooing away the moths, and dumping his system in favor of a more recent model.


If you're still out there, Hump, my advice is this: figure out what you need and then buy two levels beyond your baseline. The war between the hardware capability and software requirements ensures that if you buy for today, you'll be kicking yourself tomorrow. I hope this thread has given you something to think about.


Good luck.






They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.

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Guest Scoundrel67

Whoops! Please insert the word "bias" in my second sentence.



They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.

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Guest Scoundrel67

I must be tired--make that first sentence, second paragraph.


Good night, all.



They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.

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