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The big medal

Guest Ace512

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Guest DarthHulkster

I'm pretty sure it's not in there, i just checked it. All it gives points wise is the number of points to achieve pilot ranks and ratings

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don't the bonus points give you your rank?



You were expecting a creative sig?


Rogue 6

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Guest garyah99

Your military rank is achieved by point accumulation. Bonus points get you the Kalidor crescent. You get the medal itself at 3500 bonus points, with each additional adornment for every 3500 points thereafter.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Kalidor Crescent>Bronze Cluster>Silver Talons>Silver Scimitar (though the Talons and Scimitar might be in the other order... I forget)>Golden Wings>Diamond Eyes



"And it came to pass that the Wrath of Oingo Boingo fell upon the land. And Oingo Boingo cried out and said, "Behold, I have a wrath and I have fallen out upon your land." And the villagers of the land were frightened and proclaimed to Oingo Boing, "Behold, we are frightened, because you have a wrath and have fell upon our land." And Oingo Boingo answered to them, "Its because of you being frightened because of my wrath and falling out upon your land, that I shall destroy you." And Oingo Boingo did so. And it was NOT good, for all those who did see the great Oingo Boingo fell to his wrath."

-Tyais 3:16


Why is it that whenever someone says SOL I am always in trouble... whether it be Standards of Learning or (the other version). I'm always screwed.



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