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On the subject of power...


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I've played the first game and finished it quite a few times. While just browsing around for interesting facts back when I played it the most, I saw a bunch of posts on numerous forums about Revan. Revan who I know many people wanted to be back in TSL, including myself, seems to be a distant memory for me now. In these posts, people would usually say that Revan was one of the, if not the, strongest Sith Lord in the Star Wars universe (I'm not that much of a Star Wars freak, more into general RPGs). I could see the logic in that...


First of all, I'd like to say that I don't have the game yet, but I know about two of the Sith Lords in this game. Secondly, has Revan become a wimp compared to these two Lords?


I mean Sion, as we probably all know, but I'll put in the spoiler tag just to be safe;



"...is held together by sheer force of will. Only his hatred and the power of the dark side keep him alive."



and the other one who was just recently mentioned in another topic;



"Darth Nihilus consumes the force from people in order to stay alive.He can even consume entire force sensitive planets."



I mean, compared to these guys, it sounds like (I still don't have the game...) they could kick both Revan's and Malak's butt, at the same time, by poking on them with their twinky-finger!


I guess my two main questions is; did you guys who played the game notice this? Or is it just me speaking out of ignorance and not having played the game yet, is a little confused?




Did Obsidian Entertainment make them too powerfull compared to other Sith Lords/Jedi Masters (or anything strong really) in the universe?


(Note, as I said, I'm not that good with Star Wars, it just seems like they are more like Gods and not Sith Lords...)


Enlighten me, please...

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I'm not to far in the game and I won't spoil it for anyone. But the Handmaiden said some interesting things about Revan and Malak and the differences in their styles and power.


With gaming the creators usually try to take a step up with each game so. I can see why it seems that way. I saw the first cutscene with Darth Nihilus and thought he was the ultimate b@d@ss.


I don't understand what made people feel Revan was so much more powerful than other Sith Lords in the EU. Malak yes but others. Revan was an intricate planner and a good strategist, Malak was a sloppy oaf who would bombard a planet.

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Originally posted by Hannibal

I don't understand what made people feel Revan was so much more powerful than other Sith Lords in the EU.

It is a classic RPG occurance...


Especially when we all are playing Revan in KOTOR, people will almost always side with the character they created and played.


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