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We should all play Multiplayer!

Guest Ace Fighter

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Guest Ace Fighter

Listen you may think I am crazy but, I have an idea. Ok first what you should do is go to www.zone.com then game index search for Star Wars:X-Wing Alliance then double-click register and then enter any room you want once you download the zone files it will only take about 1 minute literally if you have a 56k modem then enter a room or host a game and play with other people on the net =)!!!! If you have any problems put a messege in this forum or any compliments!



Fear the power of the Dark Side!


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WOW eek.gif Ace Fighter the wise one has revealed us that the holy spirits of the dead jedi have granted us a sacred place to unite ourself and fight together !!!

what is that u say? this holy place of eternal joy and freedom of play is called the Zone: I will seek the holy Nirvana, the holy Zone so my spirit may be rested in eternal peace and happiness, it is my destiny........



biggrin.gif Just kidding biggrin.gif : EVERYBODY KNOWS THE ZONE !!!




The fun went away along with the pixels.





[This message has been edited by Jem (edited November 23, 2000).]

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Guest Ace Fighter

Well thanx for telling me cause' there is sooo little people there and its such a cool game!



Fear the power of the Dark Side!


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Guest SadShadow

have you ever THE WOM (War of Millenium) and the WOW (Week of War)?

do you have a CLAN?

if not.. you havent played XWA in the full mode!! biggrin.gif


Tie Fighter Alliance RULEZ!!!!!!!!





The Shadow Lone Wing

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Ace Fighter, Zargon is formulating his phrase with sarcasm and what he means in a sarcastic way is:


"Really we can play Online?"


so what he really means to say you is that:

"duh we are not stupid we know we can play online in the Zone."


your post topic is as dumb as this topic that is inspired from yours and Zargon's reply:


"Listen you may think I am crazy but, I have an idea. Ok first what you should do is put the XWA Cd in your CD drive and then click install: it will only take a couple of minutes. Then you will actually be able to *GASP* play a game called XWAlliance!!! wow !!If you have any problems put a message in this forum or any compliments!!!






The fun went away along with the pixels.


[This message has been edited by Jem (edited December 01, 2000).]

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