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Question about ending [Major Spoilers]


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I played the game through the lightside and I just want to get a couple things straight. Ok, in the ending Kreia says you can remain there, leave, or go back to exile. Before answering any of that i asked about the future and she gave me info about my friends and the worlds. After that, I sayed it's your time to rest and then I see the Ebon Hawk flying away from Malachor 5, leaving your choice on what you do a mystery. Also, you still dont kow where Revan is, not being able to give the answer to Carth, Bastila, or to yourself.


Am i comprehending it right?



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The same thing happened to me i was dissapointed :o


(oh except for me, i never encountered bastila OR carth.....)


OH end I think i know how this happened


Either you F***ed up on Onderion and killed the jedi master there (like i did :p) or you killed all the jedi.


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Do not read unless finished the game:



(for the record, I only play DS) I guess I’m not the only one who felt it was anti-climactic. I was hoping only Darth Nihilus was so anti-climactic, but when it was Darth Sion AND THE ENDING, I was really upset. I mean, CRUSHED. There was no added info about Revan, just wondering where she/he went, nothing with Revan even though she/he was in the tomb on Korriban and they kept throwing her/him into dialogue, then there was nothing after Darth whats-her-face/Kreia. I mean, tossing away her body is the END?!?!?! Also, I know that Darth whats-her-face said that there is no great revelation, no twist or anything, but still, I felt that the character's story wasn't completely fulfilled. Through most of it I was totally blown away by the writing and the intricacies, the end was . . . tacked on, incomplete, not . . . fitting for the rest of the amazing game.


I met and saw Carth and Bastila. I killed all the Jedi. I’m a Sith at heart . . . and yeah, we didn’t get them answers, we didn’t find full answers about our character, and we didn’t find out about Revan. There could be another 10 hours added to the game for all that! I mean, to fully develop it like the rest of the game. At least 5 hours O_O


Plus, now you’re stuck on Malachor V, the Ebon Hawk is pretty much crushed/destroyed . . . if there isn’t a sequel to the sequel, someone’s getting sabred >_< I wanna know more!!!!!


Guess I’m not the only one n_n


PS: I was squealing with happiness when Canderous (hereby known as "Candy") joined your group. I know, I know, it was "Mandalor", but we all know who that was. But there was nothing added about Revan leaving him behind. Then again, I screwed up in the beginning, so through my whole story Revan was LS male *gah!* But anyhoo, Revan was mentioned in passing -- not by name -- between Kreia and Candy, so why wasn't that explored further? >_< Why wasn't everything explored further?!?!?! Why did the Jedi sentence you? It wasn't really because you went to the war, so what did I miss?


Sorry for ranting so much -_-


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I know I just joined the board, but I may have SOME wisdom to share about this game....



With KOTOR2 you need to replay it a few times to fully understand the interworkings of what is going on, you need to play it a few times to find out what the different things everyone knows and wont Share, take HK for example, he is an Assination droid and responds well to violence, once you get his influence up he will share a lot. Also I never knew that mandalore was Candrous its a shock to know now and it makes sense on why you cannot remove his suit.


As for why you were kicked out of the order, thats a harder one to understand and if you slaughter the Jedi you will never know. With the distruction of Malichor V came a great loss, a rip in the force. With that rip you became like a fountian, and your water was the force. So much force was spilling out of you that you tuned it out rather then have it go away. There was so much force coming out that it defended you towards it. This was dangerous and that is why the order exiled you. All that power can and will manipulate others around you, without knowing it you can make people do things just by thinking about it.For someone with the dark side that is a dangerous thing and can undo the balance in the force and in the end distruction and chaos would be brought to the galaxy, the natural order of things would be smashed. That is why you were exiled, because of that rare power, because the force spilled through you like water spilling out of a crack in a dam. The other reason is your defiance, you went to the Mandalorian wars reguardless of what the Jedi told you and this made them scared of how "unstable" you could be come, you were to hard to read, and they didnt understand.


So like all Jedi in the SW universe, rather then try to understand and help they turned away and banished you.



that is more or less why you were exiled.

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The way I understood it you were more of a force leech than a fountain, leeching the force off of others. Perhaps this changes based on how you play through the game, but after 4 times through I still got the same sort of thing.



Then again the whole thing was so convoluted, who knows what the drek was actually going on.

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I ended up being death to the force, an anti-force you could say. Kreia said she hated the force and olny used it so she could destroy it and all its little ties of written destiny and cause. That is why Kreia joined me or so she said, I was rare...very rare and I could kill the force entirely and that my power commanded others to follow me no matter what. Kreia also said that another reason for me being an "anti-force" to the force is that I could create bonds so easily and could destroy others so easily through this(mentioned so many times minus the last part throughout the game for me). That is what I got for killing all the jedi masters, for being a ruthless and powerful sith maurder. Revan's whereabouts were clearafied in a sense and that they leave it for KOTOR3 that you well be joining Revan. The reason for staying at MalachorV is probably to gain its power before you leave to find Revan, however the whereabouts of all the other party members and what happened with remote and G0-T0 still bug me. Not a good ending but it is a "cliff hanger". heh and the funny thing is that the last game I beat before KOTOR2 was Halo2 and it had the same kinda ending, a "cliff hanger". oh ya sorry this is so long

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