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Mandalore (Possible spoilers)


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Is it me, or is it simply too obvious that

Mandalore is Canderous? For one thing, he mentions clan Ordo, and also...the voice! It is the same bloody voice! :p



spoiler tags added by Darth333 - two times in two days: use spoiler tags - consider this as a warning and you may want to check the rules concerning spoilers in the announcement at the top of the page - That was a major spoiler for those who haven't played the game!

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I squealed with happiness when I heard the voice. Actually, ever since I saw you got Mandalor in your party on the website, I've been hoping it was Candy n_n The voice, plus Revan leaving him behind, and clan Ordo? C'mon, ish da Candyman :D


I was hoping he'd take off that mask though. I was only 99.9 percent sure it was him o_O Y'know, just for closure . . .


I got my two voices of reason back ^_^ Candy and HK. Unfortunately . . . only one has any real use u_u


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Originally posted by call me SaS

there's another one that i was refering to, a little more specific. But i'll definately look for that one on this playthrough.





Exile: What of Mandalore?


Kreia: There are many battles left in that one, Canderous will fight in many battles, and it goes on from there.


Exile: I thought the Mandalorians had been wiped out.


Mandalore: Clan Ordo lives on


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