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Increasing lameness.


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As of late, I've noticed that a lot of people are getting a bit carried away and are filling this forum with utter trash. A notable example is a recent post which occupied about a million lines with "..spam.." over and over, whilst other threads are filled with general nonsense and incredibly daft behaviour.


Whilst the rules here are extremely flexible (in that they don't exist for the most part), please don't take abuse this freedom and start acting like complete jackasses. I'm making this a sticky so that it's a general warning to all, and let it be known that if I see any more of this rubbish posted I'll simply delete it without warning.


Seriously, I hate having to even make this post since I'm a strong advocate of as much freedom on forums as possible. But it's getting ridiculous now, and even moderators who aren't even responsible for the Monkey Island forums have been noticing the rapidly increasing level of idiocy. Just.. please stop it. I don't want to have to start banning people, but I'll have to soon -- and if I don't, the other mods will. They're probably less leniant than me.



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