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Playable Characters


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Apologies in advance if something like this has been asked before, but I'm a bit leary of digging too deep into this forum, since I'm still on Telos and trying to keep spoilers to a minimum.


What is the total list of characters able to join your party? I ask this because I wondered, after the brief point where you could control him, if B4-D4 is a character that can join your party (or if he was just a one-time shot).


Just curious...thanks!

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List of NPCs that can join your party:




1. T3-M4

2. Kreia

3. Atton

4. Bao Dur

5. Hk-47

6. Visas Marr

7. G0-T0

8. Mandalore

9a. If you are playing as Female: Disciple - or -

9b. If you are playing as Male: Handmaiden

10a. Light side: Mira - or -

10b. Dark side: Hanrarr (or whatever is his name)



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