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I just can't finish Probe Droid mission

Guest yoyoyojo

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Guest yoyoyojo

The part no problem. I just can't get to the nav point in the second part without the Probe Droid being destroyed. How have other done this? As suggested I tried making a b-line for the nav point and trying to set my turrets to autofire warheads coming my way. But as I have said before for whatever reason my turrets wont set to Autofire unless i am more or less facing the warhead jead on.


i 've tried taking on the priate ships but they always manage to blow up the f*cking probe droid.


another question is it possible to skip a mission?


Any help or hints would be great.

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Divert all power to your engines; I mean ALL power, including lasers and so forth. Set turrets to defensive fire. I just headed for the Nav Point, roll your craft so the bottom is facing away from the pirates (and the capable turret is facing towards the pirates).


And no, I dont think you can skip family missions.

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Speed towards the probe.. FAST i normally flew with all laser energy to engines, and Shields at maintanace level. when the fighter come in range, take me out with the turret weapons.. if yur good enuf.. you SHOULD be able to finish them off quickly. Next you need to attack the MUTR from ABOVE. i found disabling it is the best options since Ions will not hurt the probe. Tho start pounding away with lasers, then once it shields get down to 0% divert shield energy to lasers and fire a few ion shots at it to disable. DO NOT BLOW UP THE FREIGHTER! since the explosion may destroy the probe.


Once the MUTR is disabled, pick up the probe.


Afterwoard you jsut want to go VERY FAST divert all energy to enegines and rotate your ship so the probe is away from any enemies. only use the turret to take out anything

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Regarding the MUTR, use only ions to attack it while it has the probe, attack it until they have enough and drop the probe. Once they drop the probe, let them get far enough away from it so as to not damage it and then blow the crap out of them.

Do not disable the MUTR, your ions are to force it to drop the probe. Once it's dropped, switch to lasers.

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Guest wookie2k

I just take an intercept course for the muurian trans and take out those starchasers with turets. Just roll the YT so both cannons face the fighters. They die in 3 or 4 bursts. As for customs station just divert all your power to engines and run. If you wanna make it fancy and escape from any incoming torpedos just fly trough the tunnel in the space station =)

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Guest yoyoyojo

Wow! Thanks for all the help. I got through. I, as suggested, diverted all power to my engines at the customs station and just ran for the nav point. i was trying to take on the pirates and they would always get the droid. anyways thanks now i can mve on and continue playing this awesome game.

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Guest Rogue15

I got through this too, without help, i all of a sudden decided to play it, then i died on my 1st try, and nailed it on my second!


I skipped a few missions, and now i have to protect these innocents who are being attacked by these new TIE Fighters, i'd like some help with it.

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