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Ok... Here's an interesting Poll


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This is about posting 3 civs you'd like to see in an expansion.



1. You can post any civs you want

2. Only post the civs and why you'd like to see them

3. NO arguements about other people's posts allowed (This is just to know which are more popular, not to see if they fit or they don't. That might be my next thread, once this one is finished.)


Please post just once. We're trying to get accurate numbers here.

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Well, these would be mine :


- Trandoshans !! Those would be nice against wookies, plus there are already much more "good" civs




- Mon Cal !! Cool looking guys with some great technology !!


- Ewoks !! Just because they are funny, and they'd be the best civ to drive you all mad !! ( I know that they are very hard, if not imposible to balance ;) !!)

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Only three! :( I would have liked a fourth to counter balance the era's :)

First let me state that I really want an Epi. 2 civi in it but probably can't name names since that would be spoiling it for people.


Episode2 civi: Can't say anything.


Vong: Much like the Zerg from SC, they are "organic", which will give a new feel to the units.


Bothans: The NR would have been my first choice but as people pointed out they are too much like the imps/rebels. Picked bothans (for now) to balance the New Jedi era. Like Compa said, they are stealthy which at the present time appears to be lacking as a civi trait (yeah I know jedi can do stealthy things too).

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Vong- cool, new organic technologies. would be fun to control


Mandalorians- (don't quite fit in the time frame of vong, but o well)They have great weapons. Could be a great counter to the jedi. The infantry guys have cool suits with lots of gizmos and gadgets.


Trandoshans- i've said this in past threads, but i think they would make a great counter to the wookies. besides, giant lizards runnig around with guns would be fun

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Guest Dorsk8199

Yuuzhan Vong - I like their biotech style. They are super powerful and force void. Main advantage: offense. Main disadvantage: expensive units.


Chiss - Intelligent powerful fighters. They would have a strong defense. Great for countering the Vong's powerful offense. Main advatage: defense. Main disadvantage: expensive units.


Noghri - Also very powerful warriors. They would be unmatched in close combat fighting. They would be stealthy and quick. Main advantage: cheap and semipowerful units. Main disadvantage: defense.

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Originally posted by Compa_Mighty

That's ok, Darth. I didn't meant that. Kvan was just trying to be funny. BTW, he couldn't achieve it. :D

I'm.....not, funny? :( *starts to weep*

Seriously though, I'm going to leave the thread alone. Compa wants a serious thread on who wants what civi's so I'm not going to ruin it.

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Guest Tie Guy

Here's my too cents worth:


Chiss- cool blue lasers with good mechs and air, but lacking in the troops and naval areas.


Vong- Very powerful troops, but weak air and really weak naval, but also have good mechs.


Mon cals- Good defenders with best naval and and good air. Decent troops but lacking in the mech department.


Ewoks- Barely under average on every category but have really cheap units.


Black sun\smugglers- Decent troops with good mechs, decent air, but a not very effective navy.


Yevathans (sp?)- All around average with no real weakness or advantage.


That's all i can think of right now.

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