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Star Destroyer Names

Guest Expert Rookie

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Guest Expert Rookie

Here's some star destroyer names you can use in missions and some facts about them if availible... Feel free to add more names if you have them.


Accuser- A star destroyer that was in Darth Vader's fleet when it attacked Hoth. It was captured by the Rebels in the Battle of Endor and renamed the Emancipator. It saw action under General Calrissian and Antilles at the Battle of Calamari. Unfortunatly, it was destroyed at that battle. This is in a possibly ISD Mark III Class.


Adamant- Belonged to Admiral Thrawn's fleet five years after the Battle of Endor


Adarga- Seen in TIE Fighter, Battle 9, Missions 1 & 2




Adjucator- Captured at Endor, Renamed Liberator by the Rebel Alliance.







Avarice- Captured by the Rebels and renamed Freedom.



Badi Dea




Chimaera- Present at Endor, led the Imperial retreat.






Crynyd- Built by the Rebels themselves. Named by the pilot who crashed his A-Wing into the Executor at Endor.


Death's Head


That's all the names I have now. I'll also supply some Calamari vessel names later.


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Guest emupiett

Devastator - The Star Destroyer that pursued the Tantive IV at the beginning of A New Hope.


Glory - From TIE Fighter (Zaarin's ship).


Grey Wolf - From the later battles of TIE Fighter (Thrawn's ship).


Garrett - Vader's ship from TIE Fighter.


Hammer - From TIE Fighter.


Imperator - The first Imperial SD that was made. That is why Imperial class Star Destroyers are also called Imperator class.


Judicator - A SD in Thrawn's fleet.


Majestic - From TIE Fighter as the Emperor's ship.




Vanguard - One of Thrawn's SDs from TIE Fighter.



"Intensify forward firepower!!"

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Guest emupiett

Thanks for reminding me!


X-Wing SDs:










Invincible - The one that's blown up with the bomb.








Red Dragon









"Intensify forward firepower!!"

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Guest Doctor Shapiro

These are from http://www.theforce.net/swtc/isd.html#list.



Star destroyer belonging to the fleet of Grand Admiral Thrawn, five years after the Battle of Endor.


participated in the defense of the TIE Defender research platform in the Parmel system against ex-Admiral Zaarin. [TIE Fighter, Battle 9, Missions 1 and 2]


Star destroyer which bore Admiral Thrawn on his first Imperial expedition into Unknown Regions on the fringe of the galaxy. Captain Dagon Niriz commanding.


Star destroyer present at the Battle of Endor, captured by the Rebel Alliance and renamed Liberator. Commanded by Jedi Master Luke Skywalker on a scouting mission to Coruscant during the last days of the Imperial Mutiny. The ship was irrecoverably damaged when it lost control in battle and crashed to the surface of the planet.


Subjugated the remote planet of Yutusk. Commanded by Captain Krin, and transferred to role of sector flagship for Moff Renquet approximately two years before the Battle of Endor. Survived until at least two years after Battle of Endor.


Admiral Rogriss' flagship, used in the Battle of Adumar and the Battle of Vahaba. [X-wing: Solo Command, X-wing: Starfighters of Adumar].


Rendez-voused with a shuttle carrying Grand Moff Tarkin, while simultaneously under Rebel attack [balance of Power].


[X-Wing Tour of Duty IV, Operation 2]


Star destroyer defending Ysanne Isard's rule of Thyferra, under the command of Captain Sair Yonka. Eventually acquired by rogue forces and renamed Freedom. Participated in Battle of Bilbringi against Grand Admiral Thrawn, and the Battle of Linade III against Admiral Krennel's forces. Captained by Commander Sair Yonka.


Failed in ambush against a shuttle of Twi'lek rebels shortly before A New Hope. [X-Wing Y-wing historical mission 3] Avenger was involved in more than 436 planetary suppressions since it was comissioned, and served under 8 different captains in a period of 2 years [sTAR WARS Sourcebook, one year after ANH]. One captain was Ferdas [imperial Sourcebook p.131]. Part of the Emperor's Death Squadron and commanded by Captain Needa during the events surrounding the Battle of Hoth. Avenger belongs to the ISD-II star destroyer subclass. A ship with the same name served as flagship for Executor Sedriss and his Dark Jedi in their abortive subjugation of Balmorra, six years after the Battle of Endor.

Badi Dea

[X-Wing Tour of Duty IV, Operations 10,13]


Commanded by Captain Mullinore, as part of Admiral Daala's force assigned to the defence of the secret facilities within the Maw Cluster. This ship of the ISD-I subclass was lost while preparing for a suicide attack on Coruscant. It was vaporised in a nearby supernova explosion induced by the stolen Sun Crusher device which was under the control of a young Sith initiate allied with the New Republic.


Destroyer under the commmand of Captain Aban during Grand Admiral Thrawn's campaign of harassment against the New Republic. Led a battle at Tanaab under the coordination of Jedi Master Joruus C'baoth, who impelled the crew to destroy one New Republic ship beyond the scope of his orders, incurring Aban's anger.


Star destroyer present at the Battle of Endor. After the captain was killed in battle, another experienced officer took command and led the Imperial retreat. Captain Pellaeon continued to command this ship for many years. Flagship for Grand Admiral Thrawn when he returned from Unknown Regions five years after the Battle of Endor. Led many major battles from Sluis Van to Bilbringi. Ten years later, a cloak-capable ship of the same name was a flagship for Admiral Pellaeon as supreme commander of the remaining Imperial forces in the Deep Core.


Passive star destroyer in TIE Fighter historical mission #2.


Successfully fought three rebel frigates: Modified Frigates Lion and Lance, and the Nebulon-B frigate Ornik [balance of Power].


Star destroyer involved in the extortion of agricultural secrets from Ithorian priest Momaw Nadon. Captain Alima subsequently demoted, supposedly through his own devices. Left to blockade Tatooine during the crisis concerning the rebel theft of Death Star plans. This was one of the ships pursuing the Millennium Falcon. Conquest is of the ISD-I subclass.


"Captain" Kuuztin's flagship, operating as part of Grand Admiral Thrawn's task force in the hunt for Zaarin. The Courageous and her starfighter and transport forces captured a neutral convoy bearing supplies for former admiral Zaarin in the Semag system, and also destroyed a traitor Modified Nebulon-B Frigate, the Strident, sent to escort it. She was ambushed in an ill-conceived operation to attack a traitor supply depot and attack squadron in the Gwar system. Though the Courageous was destroyed, the destroyer's starfighters destroyed Zaarin's Interdictor Cruiser Bomb, her escorting Modified Frigate squadron Kuma, and a major supply depot under Zaarin's control. [TIE Fighter, Battle 11, Missions 1 and 2]


Named after Arvel Crynyd, the A-wing pilot who rammed himself into the Executor's bridge at the battle of Endor, this [New Republic] star destroyer took part in the campaign against Zsinj. It took partin the battles of Vahaba and Selaggis. At Vahaba, it was assigned to protect the Interdictor Stellar Web.

Death's Head

Commanded by Captain Harbid as part of Grand Admiral Thrawn's fleet during the events surrounding the Battle of Sluis Van, etc.


Personal flagship of Lord Tion during his Battle of Ralltiir, and subsequently Lord Darth Vader's flagship prior to the construction of the first Executor-class command ship. It was that Devastator that intercepted and captured the blockade runner Tantive IV, precipitating the events leading up to the fateful Battle of Yavin. Included in Lord Vader's squadron and participated in the Battle of Hoth. Destroyed at the Battle of Endor [sTAR WARS The Essential Chronology p.61.] Devastator was of the ISD-I subclass.


ISD-II, a ship in Warlord Admiral Krennel's fleet. It was captured in the battle for Linade III where it was outnumbered against the New Republic Destroyers Freedom, Moonshadow (both ISD-II) & Swift Liberty (Victory-II class). [X-wing: Isard's Revenge]


[see Accuser.]

Emperor's Revenge

Flagship of Imperial aspirant Carnor Jax during his rimward excursions in search of fellow Imperial Guardsman Kir Kanos, seven years after the Battle of Endor.

Emperor's Will

A destroyer in the Imperial faction accepting the authority of Ysanne Isard at the time of the fall of Coruscant. This ship has a formidable reputation, but was absent from the Battle of Coruscant.


Imperial star destroyer of unknown designation, under the scar-faced Captain Dalton at the time of Alderaan's destruction.


Star destroyer damaged during the subjugation and capture of a large space slug specimen for study by Imperial biologists, shortly after the Battle of Hoth. The slug is reported to have bitten and digested a noticeable portion of the ship. Depending on the number of star destroyers from outside Vader's taskforce joining the asteroid search, Entor could also be the one which had its bridge tower wrecked by an asteroid strike.


ISD-II. [X-Wing: Rogue Squardon, p.286]


[see Avarice.]


Star destroyer in the fleet of Supreme Warlord Harrsk approximately eight years after the Battle of Endor. Harrsk was one of the thirteen most powerful rogue warlords feuding in the Deep Core at that time. Under Admiral Daala, Firestorm led a retaliatory attack on High Admiral Teradoc after Teradoc's fleet destroyed Harrk's flagship Shockwave. Flagship of Vice-Admiral Pellaeon in a subsequent attack on Luke Skywalker's Jedi training compound on Yavin IV.


Captain Lin Nunsk, escorts bacta convoys in Shapani Bypass [Lords of the Expance]


Flagship of Lord Darth Vader immediately prior to the Battle of Endor; involved in operations in Bothan Space to deceive the rebels in relation to the status of the second Death Star. [TIE Fighter game]


Flagship of the traitor Admiral Zaarin.


Belonging to the ISD-I subclass, this destroyer was believed to have exploded during Imperial evacuations of Narth and Ihopek. Its wreckage was found roughly ten years later, containing what seemed to be an intact and complete Imperial Order of Battle database. This discovery, made shortly before the cirsis in the Koornacht Cluster, suggests that the destroyer had been the flagship of a very important Imperial official. Gnisnal was catalogued with a registry number SD-489 by the New Republic.


Flagship of Admiral Daala's ISD-I-type star destroyer squadron at the weapons research facility in the black hole Maw Cluster. It remained at this isolated station with no external communication for twelve years starting a year before the Battle of Yavin. Upon receiving the astonishing and unwelcome news of the Empire's defeat by rebel forces, Daala engaged in a brief and costly terror campaign against the New Republic. The only surviving destroyer, Gorgon retreated to the enclaves of the Deep Core after recovering research and schematics from the Maw Installation.

Grey Wolf

Flagship of (then) Vice-Admiral Thrawn in his search for Grand Admiral Zaarin. [TIE Fighter game]


Star destroyer operating in Mugaari space immediately after the Battle of Hoth. [TIE Fighter Battle 1, Mission 3]


An ISD-I in a four-destroyer squadron defending Grand Moff Tarkin's secret Maw Installation weapons research facilities, in Admiral Daala's command. The original captain died in a turbolift accident and was replaced by the relatively young Captain Sten Thanas, native of Coruscant. Hydra was destroyed twelve years after the start of its mission. Escaped New Republic prisoners hijacked and rammed the Sun Crusher superweapon into the destroyer's command module and the warship drifted to oblivion in one of the neighbouring black holes.


Host of a TIE training school where Flight Leader T. Alvak was transfered and attended class [sTAR WARS Sourcebook p.24].


A star destroyer scouting an area of space near the Cron Drift. Was destroyed by X- and Y-wings shortly before A New Hope [X-Wing Tour of Duty #2, Operations #1-10].


This destroyer and its fighters ambushed the Tantive IV en route to Alderaan with the Death Star plans [X-Wing Tour of Duty #2, Operation #12]. It later led several attacks on Rebel freighters and cruisers just before the destruction of the Death Star [X-Wing Tour of Duty #3, Operations #1-11].


The first ship of this class, constructed at the KDY shipyards at Gyndine. A ship with this name followed Admiral Zaarin in his coup attempt; defeated by Thrawn's forces. (Was this the original Imperator, or a ship with a recycled name?) Imperator was also one of the destroyers recognising the authority of Imperial Intelligence Director Ysanne Isard at the time of Coruscant's fall to the New Republic, though it was absent from the capital planet's defence. This venerable ship was a formidable reputation. Its loss to the New Republic would have great symbolic importance.


It isn't clear whether this should be an Imperator-class ship or another destroyer design. Inexorable was under the command of Grand Admiral Thrawn in the Unknown Regions about two and a half years after the Battle of Endor. Considering Thrawn's status, his original fleet may have included many cruisers and battlecruisers in addition to mere destroyers.


Flagship for High Inquisitor Tremayne, commanded by the ill-fated Captain Jovan Vharing at some time after the Battle of Hoth. Known to be a ship of ISD-II type.


The destroyer which brought Dark Jedi Zasm Katth and Baddon Fass to Nar Shaddaa during the events when an unstable clone of Emperor Palpatine regained command of remnant naval and military forces, six and a half years after the Battle of Endor. Destroyed while in pursuit of the Millennium Falcon.


Commanded by Captain Brandei, in Grand Admrial Thrawn's fleet during his campaign against the New Republic. Assaulted Lando Calrissian's operations in the Athega system. Fought New Republic star frigate Quenfis at the resting site of the Katana fleet.


Part of Admiral Gaen Drommel's renegade fleet two years after the Battle of Endor. Commanded by Captain Dor Reder. Bridge interior imagery suggests that this vessel is either ISD-II or newer.


A destroyer (presumed to be Imperator-class) assigned to planet Achillea, controls routes in and out of Tapani Sector. [Lords of the Expanse]


A destroyer serving as a private transport for Palpatine during Zaarin's attempted coup; boarded by Zaarin's troops in an abduction attempt.


[X-Wing A-wing historical mission 3] Attacked a rebel shuttle carrying high rebel officers as it underwent repairs, and was thwarted by its fighter escorts.


Star destroyer of ISD-I subclass defending the isolated Maw Cluster weapons research facility. Commanded by Captain Brusc from the year preceding the Death Star's destruction until twelve years later with the ship's destruction in Daala's failed attack on the shipyards of Mon Calamari.


One of two destroyers defending the galactic capital against the forces of Admiral Ackbar at the Battle of Coruscant. Little else outstanding regarding its reputation and crew. Surrendered to the New Republic by Captain Averen, after taking heavy damage.


ISD-II for New Republic, under Admiral Kir Vantai. fought Admiral Krennel's forces at Battle of Linade III [X-Wing: Isard's Revenge].


Destroyer in the fleet of Grand Admiral Thrawn, which saw significant action towards the end of his campaign against the New Republic.


Battled the Mon Calamari Cruiser Maximus shortly after the Battle of Yavin. [X-Wing Tour of Duty IV, Operation 3]


A destroyer (presumed to be Imperator-class) in the Tapani Sector starfleet, assigned to planet Procopia. [Lords of the Expanse]


Star destroyer with Grand Admiral Thrawn's fleet, destroyed in collision with a dreadnought of the Katana fleet in battle with New Republic and fringe starfighters at the deep space resting place of the Dark Force.


Intended to receive prisoners of war from Kessel, who were instead rescued by rebel fighters. [X-Wing Y-wing historical mission 4]


One of the destroyers stationed at Endor during the construction of the Death Star II. Surrendered to the rebels after Battle of Endor. A junior officer, Dor Render, led Imperial escapees and stole rebel astrogation data locating many secret Alliance bases, which were subsequently obliterated in surprise retaliatory Imperial raids.


A destroyer involved in the capture of a rebel escort carrier. [TIE Fighter TIE Defender Mission 4]


[From Balance of Power.]

Rebel Dream

Princess Leia's flagship in The Courtship of Princess Leia. It may actually have been a larger class of warship, since the Millennium Falcon was apparently able to fit into one of its hangars, whereas a narrower Lambda-class shuttle is a snug fit for the Imperator's class of star destroyer.


A destroyer running missions for Ysanne Isard prior to her coup against Sate Pestage. [X-Wing Rogue Squadron #29] Presumed to be Imperator-class, but the rough illustrations seen to date could alternatively represent a different, smaller KDY design. There may be only one trench notch on each side of the ship.

Red Gauntlet

Captured at the Battle of Vahaba.


Early Imperator-class destroyer believed to be with part of the Black Sword Fleet [shield of Lies p.323].


Under Captain Parlan when he commissioned a manhunt for Old Republic military hero Adar Talon shortly after the Battle of Yavin. Subsequently commanded by Captain Westen. Commanded by Captain Dorja as part of Grand Admiral Thrawn's fleet five years after Palpatine's fall; fought two of Garm Bel Iblis' dreadnoughts at New Cov.


Stationed at the Walker Operations & Tactics training facility on Jardeen IV during the Battle of Endor. Left Jardeen IV after that event, and specialised in walker and bomber assaults against the New Republic for at least two years under Captain Iolan Gendarr.


protected the TIE Avenger factory ZA-13 following its recapture from Zaarin. [TIE Fighter, Battle 8, Mission 3]


Operated as part of Thrawn's task force assigned to destroy Zaarin, she operated (with Grey Wolf) in a failed attempt to trap Zaarin, using a convoy carrying Missile Boats as bait. Previous traitor attacks that delayed the Interdictor Whirlwind caused Thrawn's plans to miscarry, though the Missile Boats were saved and Zaarin driven off. [TIE Fighter, Battle 11, Mission 5]


Operating with the Qeimet Fleet, in a strategic rimward sector near the Hook Nebula, this destroyer is home to the famous Scimitar Assault Wing, an elite and distinctive TIE bomber force.


A destroyer (presumed to be Imperator-class) in the Tapani Sector starfleet, assigned to planet Mrlsst, controls routes in and out of Tapani sector. [Lords of the Expanse]


A destroyer (presumed to be Imperator-class) in the Tapani Sector starfleet, assigned to planet Tallaan, defend Imperial shipyards. [Lords of the Expanse]


Saw the same action against Zsinj as Crynyd.


Suppressed an uprising on Valera under the command of navy traditionalist and disciplinarian Captain Akal Zed. After unacceptable loss of support craft at Valera the destroyer was assigned to patrol Elrood Sector in the Outer Rim Territories until the Battle of Hoth. The probe droid which discovered the Hoth rebel base was one of Stalker's. Returned to Elrood sector to defend the stronghold system of Derilyn during the early years of the New Republic's growth. Sources conflict regarding Stalker's categorisation, but it seems most likely to be ISD-II.


Destroyer in the warlord forces of Carnor Jax, bombarded Phaeda and fought Rogue Squadron several months after the demise of the last mad Palpatine clone. Under the captainship of Commander Vivant.


Destroyer in the fleet of Grand Admiral Thrawn, which saw significant action towards the end of his campaign against the New Republic. Presumed to be some kind of ISD; subclass unknown.


Star destroyer on which Captain Khurgee served before his promotion and transfer to hangar operations aboard the first Death Star. Under the diplomatic but willful and devious Captain Tanda Pryl in the remote Elrood sector between the Battles of Yavin and Hoth. (Whether her aspirations to admiralty were ever fulfilled is unknown.) Thunderflare was in the same sector, rejoined by Stalker, during the period of contention between New Republic and the remnants of Palpatine's Empire. Thunderflare belongs to the ISD-I subclass. Mention of this ship in the SWCCG Second Anthology suggests that it was at either Tatooine or Endor.


She, along with ISD Imperator, comprised the traitor force under Admiral Zaarin that ambushed ISD Courageous in the Gwar system, though Thunderer herself was destroyed by rocket attacks and laser/turbolaser fire from Courageous and her starfighters. [TIE Fighter, Battle 11, Mission 2]


Name of Predator according to X-Wing The Official Strategy Guide.


Successfully defended itself from Rebel fighter attack in Balance of Power.


One of two destroyers defending the galactic capital against the forces of Admiral Ackbar at the Battle of Coruscant. Little else outstanding regarding its reputation and crew. Took severe damage, including to the bridge and a critical loss of power. Tractored into stable orbit for salvage and eventual repair.


Member of Emperor's Death Squadron and temporarily disabled by ion cannon barrage at the Battle of Hoth. Commanded by Captain Lennox. An ISD-I vessel, like the Devastator.


One of three star destroyers stationed near the remains of Alderaan in the hope of capturing Princess Leia Organa during any pilgrimage made by the Princess to the ruins of her homeworld. Sub-class ISD-I.


A one-time escort of Majestic, commanded by (then) Vice-Admiral Thrawn. [TIE Fighter game.]


Destroyer of unknown class and sub-class (possibly an ISD) patrolling the Inner Rim. The ship's communications officer Lt Ander Rendrake is a spy for the Rebel Alliance.


Involved in attack on a rebel base at Datar, under Vice-Admiral Slenn. Slenn failed to acquire live rebel prisoners, and he himself seems to have perished in connection with that circumstance. Later launched a similar raid on a rebel hideout on the moon Nar Shadaa in Hutt Space, under the supervision of Lord Darth Vader, before the events surround the Battle of Yavin. Commanded by Captain Thrawn prior to Battle of Hoth [Galaxy of Fear]; after Hoth was the ship to which Maarek Stele's TIE squadron was assigned [The Stele Chronicles].


Present at the Battle of Endor, under Captain Joak Drysso. Destroyer loyal to Imperial Intelligence Director Ysanne Isard in her seizure of Thyferra approximately three years after the Battle of Endor. Eventually renamed Errant Venture.


Received freighter transfer of war materiel and Mon Calamari slaves at a secret rendezvous, but was thwarted by rebel fighters led by Halley Kadorto. [X-Wing X-wing historical mission 5]


Star destroyer in the fleet of Supreme Warlord Harrsk. Harrsk was one of the thirteen most powerful rogue warlords feuding in the Deep Core eight years after the Battle of Endor. During a retaliatory attack upon High Admiral Teradoc's base, Whirlwind was incapacitated and held to ransom by Admiral Daala's Firestorm, as Daala demanded an end to the warlords' hostilities.

Wolf's Claw

Raided rebel bases using intelligence supplied by Dor Reder following the Battle of Endor. One of three ISDs in Admiral Drommel's fleet at the Battle of Tantive V. Captured in that conflict and incorporated into New Republic fleet; the other two star destroyers were destroyed and Drommel's great flagship, the Guardian, escaped.

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Nice list, although the spamming remark does kinda work out true...


I could really use these names for my book. Are there lists for names of other ships :

Nebulons, corvettes, Mon Cal cruisers etc.. ?



Nova Squadron, the Elite B-Wing flight group stationed aboard the Nebulon B Frigate 'Oracle', home of the tech library.


'No capitol too large, no corvette too armed. NOVA squadron, for ALL your extermination needs. Our special at the moment - SSDs (See our work with the Iron Fist !) !'

Commander Jon 'DFMD' Adamson - leader of Nova Squadron (B-Wing ID = 'The White Witch')

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Guest emupiett

Thats true K_K. I often make up names of my own or use known ones. I don't think I'll ever need to use that many!



"Intensify forward firepower!!"

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I know, but I just would like some authentic, already documented vessels around - only if its one or two...



Nova Squadron, the Elite B-Wing flight group stationed aboard the Nebulon B Frigate 'Oracle', home of the tech library.


'No capitol too large, no corvette too armed. NOVA squadron, for ALL your extermination needs. Our special at the moment - SSDs (See our work with the Iron Fist !) !'

Commander Jon 'DFMD' Adamson - leader of Nova Squadron (B-Wing ID = 'The White Witch')

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Guest Darth Massacator

I have a bot in Unreal Tournament that I renamed "R2's *****." Does that count for something? smile.gif



*DOH* Auto-censor, my bad. Anyway, just replace the asteriks with your average rap-song reference for females and there ya have it smile.gif



[This message has been edited by Darth Massacator (edited February 15, 2001).]

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Guest Chris_Lightwalker

What about Balance of Power's ISD Rage which was part of the SSD Vengeance taskforce. The ISD Avenger was the lead ISD in Darth Vadar's Fleet.

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I know the naming conventions of Imperial Star Destroyers were based on things that bring up terrible thoughts, like devestator ect. In one of the books it talks about it I think the last one in the xwing series Star Fighters of Adumar.



"Dulce bellum inexpertis."

(Sweet is war to those who have never experinced it.) Roman Proverb

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