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T3 Hk and the Ebon Hawk question spoiler maybe


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quick question again


There's a part in kotor 2 were hk-47 and t3 are talking and hk say the navi computer has a voice lock on it and t3 zap's him and you talk to hk about it then you go to t3 but he doesnt say anything is there anyway to make it so he talks about it and unlocks the navi computer or is it like the hk factory and isnt there?


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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

If you have an INT of 15+ you can ask him about it I believe. The droid factory isn't playable in the normal game. It can only be accessed with a modded xbox. :(


Or if you have Action Replay, I finished it, you need a 15 intelligence, and I got that all it is, is



Bastilla saying, T3, you've been with us since Taris, and Im leaving a message in you for whomever finds you, Revan has gone off to the unknown regions because his memory is coming back faster than ever, and he remembers something from his past, and that's the gist of it. Very touching, this way you know what happened to Revan.


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Ok thx but that really bugs me about the hk factory you talk to hk about the sonic thing to trace it back to the factory and all of this stuff and its just not there if they were going to take it out they should of took out the text along with it oh well

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Originally posted by Cervaniel

ya i know the ending just shouted give me a sequel please its going to be interesting to see how it plays out if your going to be revan or the exile or someone new and if either obsidian or bio ware will make it cant wait to find out


You maybe be both, each guy gets two planets and one hidden location i.e

Dxun, Rakatan world

for Revan and the Exile, and both guys meet at the very end, and you get the option of choosing who you want in final battle.

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chances are you well be playing someone else because you spent a game beefing up Revan and a game beefing up the Exile. Perhaps a new apprentice of Revan? Perhaps the exile again? or perhaps Revan again? who knows but if it were the exile or revan then you would end up starting off atleast lvl 20 (that is unless they whack you over the head with a lead pipe or something)

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Originally posted by Nrak Ujhade

chances are you well be playing someone else because you spent a game beefing up Revan and a game beefing up the Exile. Perhaps a new apprentice of Revan? Perhaps the exile again? or perhaps Revan again? who knows but if it were the exile or revan then you would end up starting off atleast lvl 20 (that is unless they whack you over the head with a lead pipe or something)


Well.....you could say that stuff beyond the outer rim has crippled them of their power, or, when they enter that space, where the true sith are, their powers abandon them, and you have to work to get it back.

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Originally posted by Mono_Giganto

This and so many other things (Like the ending) were probably left in there to set up the sequel.



especially the dark ending you get the whole acdemy and if you sided with vaklu more force sensitives yay


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Originally posted by Devilsfanatic

Or if you have Action Replay, I finished it, you need a 15 intelligence, and I got that all it is, is



Bastilla saying, T3, you've been with us since Taris, and Im leaving a message in you for whomever finds you, Revan has gone off to the unknown regions because his memory is coming back faster than ever, and he remembers something from his past, and that's the gist of it. Very touching, this way you know what happened to Revan.


:eek: What?

I get that option with T3, but he won't say anything. I even threaten him and use all dialog options but he won't say anything. Is this because I had Revan set up as a LS female? So I guess Bastila would only appear if Revan was LS male? I know that she does appear with Carth at Telos, but this is new...


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