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The Dantooine Theatre Company Presents...


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Okay...pretty much just use your own character,and make it sort of like a really dull play.And try to make it funny!Peice Of Metal,I could use your funny skills.Here's an example of what I want(has nothing to do with story)


(The Sith lord walks around Jimmy-Jim-Jedi)"Muah-ha-ha-haaaaa!I kill you now!" (Jimmy-Jim-Jedi begins to cry)"Um...I didn't do noyhin'!!!"(Jimmy-Jim-Jedi breaks out laughing hysterrically)"Wha...*whisper*George,what's my line?!" " 'what are you laughing about' " "oh,Okie-day!What are you laughing about!?"


So the story is:a big battle is now over,and a couple of retarded Sith lords have broken to the Jedi enclave on Dantooine.all you need to specify is your side...Jedi or retarded Sith lord.


Name: DarthTDe

Side: Jedi


Once we get some people,I'll start.

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