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Mandalore: Ranged or Melee?


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It seem to me that Mandalore is better suited to Melee Combat (

as was Candy in the first

than Ranged. Despite Mandalore starting with Feats more toward Rifle Use, he attributes suggest he is good up close. His Strength is higher than dexterity, and can be improved with his Implants plus other implants. His armor eliminates any dexterity Defence Bonus, further taking away a nenefit of ranged combat. He has so many feats to play with due to his Soldier status he can become a formiddable Melee Chracter. Which way do other people prefer?

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Originally posted by Kavar

I prefer to make him my primary rifleman, just offers me and handmaiden/other jedi support from long range. Also, If things get rough, I make him pull out his gamorrean war axe and kick some ass.


hk is my main rifle with a really powerful mandalorian assault rifle. mandalore is def melee for me i mean the guy has 15 str increase by 1 and its 16. then i give him dual weapons and he is ready to beat up someone

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