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How will you build your Character in TSL?


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I don't mind. I've met amazing people online who I never would've met if I wasn't a computer hermit. :p


Anyways...there was a topic thingy here.


Right. Well. Is anyone else thinking about making an exact replica of their characters from KoTOR I? I am...same lightsaber, same force powers and everything. I became to attached to my characters....that's for sure. >_>

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Originally posted by IlikeFandango

Right. Well. Is anyone else thinking about making an exact replica of their characters from KoTOR I? I am...same lightsaber, same force powers and everything. I became to attached to my characters....that's for sure. >_>


No i think i'll go in completely new direction with my tsl character. as they are two differant people.

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Those aren't your true Stats, you have every Stim and Buff possible on. But irregardless, I reckon you would be better if you hadnt done so many Scout Levels. With Scout, the optimum time to change to Jedi is Level 4. If I get round to it I'll find the FAQ, which truly analyses every aspect of when and why to change for every combination, also conveniently, he compares all the Feats (Flurry etc) At each Level, using their average damage. Flurry Wins in the end, his evidence is strong.

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i dont agree because you get many feats with scout for free for example the implant feat which is required for one item so why would i not wait ?

Can you show me your stats with everything on (stims etc...)

url plz

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I would but since my latest Windows Faiure I don't have any KOTOR Saves anymore. I was commenting from a couple of months ago during my obsession with the game.


I am searching for the FAQ Right now however, bear with me, I shall update this Post.


3.3.2 Scout-Guardian



+ Can get Implant Levels for free

+ Uncanny Dodge

+ Great saving throws



- Won't go that far with skills


Sct/ --------Maximum Base Values--------

JG Feats Powers VP FP SP AB Fort Ref Will Other

---- ----- ------ --- --- --- --- ---- --- ---- -----

1/-- - - - - - - - - - Implant Level 1

2/18 11 19 196 112 33 +19 +14 +14 +11 -

3/17 11 18 194 108 35 +19 +13 +13 +11 -

4/16 11 17 192 104 37 +19 +14 +14 +11 Implant Level 2,

Uncanny Dodge 1

5/15 12 16 190 100 39 +18 +13 +13 +11 -

6/14 11 15 188 96 41 +18 +14 +14 +11 -

7/13 12 14 186 92 43 +18 +13 +13 +11 Uncanny Dodge 2

8/12 11 13 184 88 45 +18 +14 +14 +12 Implant Level 3


Sacrificing some VP and AB compared to the soldier, this allows for free

implants and better saving throws compared to the other two guardian

possibilities, and enough feats with the scout to still reasonably pump up

the guardian in attack choices. With better saves, comparable stats

otherwise, more skills, and free implants, a scout-guardian may make an

even better guardian than one with a soldier base, although you'll have to

be a little more choosy with your feats.


When to switch: It's beneficial to switch at level 4 or 5, after getting

Implant Level 2 and Uncanny Dodge 1, or you can wait it out until the

higher levels for the upgrades. Since you get an extra feat at level 7

compared to level 8, you should switch then, since you can always use that

extra feat for the last level of implant if necessary, and you get an extra

power to work with.

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I dont know if you said it but at level 8 for scout you get the last implant feat .


But I totally agree that scout-guardian is the best choice. And with the stats that I had after the fourth star map I was totally unbeatable. also the fight with malak..

I just let him use force drain on those jedi's and such i think that the light side had better *special* items too (f.e. circlet of saresh, star forge robes and the lightsaber upari +solari and mantle of the force).


can you show me your stats with TSL then?

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I haven't got a URL to post to and I don't know how to do a Screen SHot on Xbox so I will type them.


This is for a DS Level 15 Consular, Level 20 Sith Lord. With Hyper Adrenaline Strength, Altricity, and Stamina (+6)


Strength - 25

Dexterity - 26

Constitution - 24

Intelligence - 17

Wisdom - 32

Charisma - 27


Vitality 550

Force 905

Defense 45


Using Mental Boost Package

Your own Personal Armband

Ludo Kresh Armand

Jal Shey Meditation Gloves

Jal Shey Mentot Belt

Ossus Kepper Robes

Force Fcusing Visor


For my LS Level 15 Guardian, Level 11 Weapon Master



Strength - 38

Dexterity - 28

Constitution - 26

Intelligence - 8

Wisdom - 23

Charisma - 10


Vitality 545

Force 333

Defense 38




Matukae Adept Robe

Circlet of Saresh

Sith Power Gauntlet


Defel Mimicker

Power Implant.

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nice stats, i think i know now why everybody complains that its very easy and prolly because you can be at such an high level and kill your oponents very fast.

tobad they didn't used a lower max level or they should increase difficulty of the AI

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Your right, as you reach higher levels it becomes easy. eg. (Only a Little Spoiler)



The Stormbeasts on Malachor 5 (Supposedly the most powerful None Boss People)

can be killed in one flurry, from the Weapn Master. Or one Force Crush from the Consular. Even the Final boss, with my Sith Lord can be affected by Force Crush.

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