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Questions about SW : KotOR II's source files ...


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Hello world !


(These questions are addressed particularly to those who know the answers)


I would like to know if some Star Wars : KotOR II's source files will be available with its PC version.

I explain : SW : KotOR II use surely the same "organization of the files" as the original title (SW : KotOR) ; For examples, scripts in .NCS files or sounds compressed with "Miles Sound Tools", etc ...

So, I want to know if Obsidian could put at the public's disposal some of these files.

Personally, I would prefer that you "give" us all of the "source scripts files" (*.NSS) files freely (.NCS files can't be decompiled with existing tools ...) for a better "access" to the modding ... (If it does not disturb you, of course !...)

Bioware has not released all of these files for SW : KotOR, and I think it's a pity ;

I hope that Obsidian won't do the same "error" ...


I await all of your answers ...


Good bye !

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I believe your expectations of Obsidian should be the same as that of Bioware -- the scripts.bif file will contain global .nss files but the .rim files most likely will not. (Please correct me if I'm wrong StormSinger...)


As for decompiling (dis-assembling really), nwnnsscomp.exe -d does as good of job as you could expect from a compiled script. True, it doesn't revert all the way back to a source file, but most .ncs files can be deciphered in this manner.

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There is a slight problem with the NWNCompiler/Kotor Script compiler: Its not accepting the new kotor II scripts. It keeps coming up with:

"Error Undeclared Identifier at "NPC_Atton"" or

"Error Required argument missing in call to "AddAvailableNPCByTemplate""


And that was was just a simple "Spawn & Add Atton" Script source called "a_addatton.nss"


Here's the actual code

void main()



 SetGlobalNumber("101PER_Atton_Joined", 1);


It's been doing that to allot of the source scripts I extracted out of kotor II well, so far all of them.

Anyone else has this same problem?

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You need to extract the nwscript.nss from KotOR2's scripts.bif in order to use constants (and new KotOR2 functions) with the compiler. Put it in the same directory as nwnsscomp.exe.


In addition! There appears to be a syntax error in nwscript.nss


See this thread for more details.

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Originally posted by tk102

You probably need to extract the nwscript.nss from KotOR2's scripts.bif in order to use constants (and new KotOR2 functions) with the compiler. My recommendation would be to put it in the same directory as nwnsscomp.exe and try again. If that doesn't work, substitute the actual slot number number in place place of NPC_ATTON.


Oh! that's right - I forgot about that!!!


HOT DOG IT- I'm a dummy "lol"

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Well that was good but it still didn't work.

All it did was try to compile the nwscript.nss "unless I'm doing something wrong".


This the "nwncompiler" (the one they call "Star Wars: KotOR - Script Compiler") that when you make a .bat file for it, it automatically compiles the scripts within the Override folder in the kotor directory.


So what I'm saying is that I'm not quite sure on how to incorporate the nwscript.nss to it. I know how to put it in the same directory but by doing that, the only thing the compiler is doing is trying to complie it, and also comming up with errors.


If someone wants to go into detail on how this structure is supposed to be, Please be my guest.

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