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How strong did u make u lightsaber(s)


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I had Dual LightSabers because Dual could own a single or a double ended one any day....well thats my opinon



I got both of my lightsabers up to 20-60 in the end by breaking down unneed stuff and my the importina stuff for my sabers so how high did u guys get yours. My character was A Sentinal and a Jedi Master (I dont no why i did this I like fighting more next time around its going to be Sentinal > Weapons MAster)

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my sith maurder had a double-bladed lightsaber that did about around 54-93 +84 modifiers. High strength,maxed custom crystal, and some good upgrades can make anything good:D

also GNS strength ehancer,dominater gloves,physical D package, matuki adept robes also add a lot there as well:rolleyes:

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:eyeraise: Would be nice to specify at what level you were to get those stats and if you "abused" certain glitches ;) Since there are 50 possible lvls in the game, the stats may vary quite a lot.


I don't see how it's possible to get this at lvl 26-30 which is the normal level range to finish the game.

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glitchs are the olny way to get to lvl50


I was lvl 35 in that game, having the added weapon feats from being a muarder helps a bit as well. I made a bit of a mistake and went a lil overboard on the modifiers but it was 54-83+45. Just checked it earlier:D


you would also be very surprised how easy it is to get very high in damage with just upgrades. (most the 1-12 damage ranges:D )

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Originally posted by Master Zalius

40-60 Holy shi..... I didnt know that was possible.


*Drops out of school to go spend a few months figuring out how to get a light saber up to 40-60*


well it starts out at 2-20 add a quixoni and thats 5 more aegen lens 1-12 more thats 8-37 lets say you have a str of 28 with all bonuses thats +9 so 17-46 weapon special thats another 2 and ultimate diatanium cell is an extra 5 i believ expert fencing emmiter thats another 3 27-56 now lets say you have power attack and score a crit hit. thats +36 from power attack alone x3 for the crit so you can do alot. when i first got hannar i hit a 102 with a double blade

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I used Bao-Dur as my Mechanic. So he didnt see combat much except the one time I made him a Jedi.



At Anyrate, outfitted with Items that give a Bonus to skills, such as the Skills Implant, Automation gloves etc... It is very easy to reach +30 skills in order to create any piece of weapon or armor upgrade available.


I posted my Weaponmaster stats a couple times already, I wasnt as high as the above poster with 93max, but I didnt concentrate soley on strength. I raised Charisma and Wisdom to 16 each and the rest into Strength. I wore all the best Strength upgrade items until closer to the end when I realized

Despite my low Force capabilities, Force Storm just about kills everything in 1 cast.



So I swapped out gear for +wisdom/Charisma items to better manage my Force powers. I still hit Darth Sion for 291 damage in 1 hit with my Lightsaber. Thats 1 hit, not the total sum of damage in 1 round. And yes, Force Enlightenment makes Weaponmasters much much more fun to play.

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