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Okay, so I've been trying to figure out Bao-Dur. He is full of hatred toward the Mandalorians after Iridonia got bitch-slapped, and he builds something? What does he build? Anyway, I've figured out that the Exile commanded Bao-Dur to activate it, but I haven't been able to get more influence from Bao-Dur to learn anything more than that! Do I need more influence or is it just eventually revealed?

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he builds the shadow generator which pretty much rips apart Malichor's surface.





I also think he liked to kill for some reason. He wasn't mad that irodnia was attacked like he said he said that didn't bother him it was just he was full of anger and liked to kill the mandalorians.


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Malachor V is composed of multiple planets, and those planets had some strange gravitational anomolies that Bao-Dur used to draw them together. Like a big Magnet.




What he constructed was the Mass Shadow Generator which pulled the planets together, causing Catastrophic death on a scale that was previously never seen before.




Death on such a scale is what caused you to cut yourself loose from the Force so you could not feel it.




There were still ships orbiting Malachor, which means the Gravity machine Bao-Dur made only truly effected the Planets, but as you notice, the Ebon Hawke had a rough time landing. So it does have an effect on ships as well.




Darth Nihilus Pulled the Ravager from the "Gravity well" at Malachor V which is a feat in itself that implies he was very powerful.


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Originally posted by Drazin



Darth Nihilus Pulled the Ravager from the "Gravity well" at Malachor V which is a feat in itself that implies he was very powerful.




Finally someone explains the great crime at Malachor.


Now, as to Nihilus, sure he's got the mad power but he musta used it all up becuase he's a big freakin' sissy by the time you get to him. I was appalled that the "face" of the game died so quickly.

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You question why Nihilus was so easy to defeat, yet the answer is within you. Nihilus Feeds off of the force, thats how he draws his power and that is how he sustains himself. Did you notice when he had you captive in the stasis field, that he used Force Drain or Drain Life on you? And what happened next? He fell to his knees, weakened. That is because what you carry within you is a void in the force, like a black hole. He used his power to drain you, but what was there to drain? He got nothing from you, in fact it injured him. Do you recall the discussion with Visas about starving him if he had nothing to feed on? Well, thats what he got from you and it hurt him. Hurt him enough to break the stasis on you and allow you a chance to defeat him. It could have been done better, he could have been stronger. But the fact that you are a void in the force and he feeds off of the force resulted in his demise.



Anti-climatic... yes.

Logical... absolutely.

A Jedi is trained to evaluate his assets and wiegh them against those who seek to harm him. Throughout the journey you set forth on, hints, clues and answers to questions not yet asked were revealed to you. Through your battles and your discussions with those you met, you were given all the knowledge you required to defeat Darth Nihilus.


You were simply the Ying to his Yang, and that counterbalance in power is what gave you the advantage you needed.

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I can't think of a better way to say this:


Your character, the exile, is basically the Anti-Force. As far as game play goes, identical to Jedi/Sith in every way. But story-wise, you're not a Jedi, you're this gaping hole in the force.



Another weird way to think of it, using a simple chemical reaction. Imagine the Jedi are all cups of baking soda. Yes I said baking soda. Now, Darth Nihilus increases his power by stealing that baking soda from the Jedi, making his pile of baking soda very very big. Now imagine you, the exile, are a cup of vinegar. When he puts you in his pile of baking soda, its going to disappear.



Yes I know that last part was weird but if you think about it metaphorically it makes sense.

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Originally posted by Mono_Giganto

Another weird way to think of it, using a simple chemical reaction. Imagine the Jedi are all cups of baking soda. Yes I said baking soda. Now, Darth Nihilus increases his power by stealing that baking soda from the Jedi, making his pile of baking soda very very big. Now imagine you, the exile, are a cup of vinegar. When he puts you in his pile of baking soda, its going to disappear.



Yes I know that last part was weird but if you think about it metaphorically it makes sense.

:eyeraise: Tell me, you are just coming out from a chemistry class, aren't you? The least I can says is that it is as weird as Echani poetry :pStill, I understand what you mean

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Makes sense to me. Nihilus cant drain force from the Exile because of the Exiles "condition." If Nihilus tries to drain the Exile it harms him because even though the Exile was a jedi, he is no more(with strange consequences) he is now a gaping force hole that albeit uses the force, but also makes it disappear.

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