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Looking to buy "The Secret of Monkey Island" for MAC!


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The origional, 256 colors. A true example of content over graphics, this game is excellent. I played it back in (6th?) grade and remember absolutly loving it. I tried EBAY and I tried the lucasarts store. Where can I find this old jewel! Got cash in hand, just waiting for a seller! Please help me. :)


Sorry if this is in the wrong forum, if you want to move it to a more appropriate area on the MI forum please feel free.

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Ok. I picked up SCUMM and went to go buy MI1 on eBay now but I have run into another dilemma. I have no disk drive! How can I get around this ? Is there a PC CD version that I could find ? Must I just bite the bullet and purchase a USB disk drive in order to play ? <eek!> Please message me if you have a copy!


Thanks again, Rem.

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Isn't a CD rom copy construed as piracy ? I really wish lucasarts would support abandonware of it's old titles, similar to the burning sky game over at SCUMM. I would rather get it totally legal then have to *pay* for a pirated copy. Hell, if i'm gonna get a pirated copy of a game that is no bigger then 5MB I might as well just download it. But I wouldn't want to do that, now would I ....

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Well I went out and bought a USB disk drive, it wasn't as bad as I expected and all in all the whole game + new disk drive only set me back $45. Well worth it to see gybush run across my screen again!


Thank you all for your help and support, I now have monkey island running and have been treasuring it all day...


Arg!!! Pass the grog mateeee!!


BTW : These pully chickens are amazing. I had only played MI2 previously and this is a truly great expirience to play the game where it all origionated from. Hail Gybrush Threepwood!

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Originally posted by psychetool

Isn't a CD rom copy construed as piracy ? I really wish lucasarts would support abandonware of it's old titles, similar to the burning sky game over at SCUMM. I would rather get it totally legal then have to *pay* for a pirated copy. Hell, if i'm gonna get a pirated copy of a game that is no bigger then 5MB I might as well just download it. But I wouldn't want to do that, now would I ....


I'm not talking about an illegal copy, I'm talking about a perfectly valid CD-ROM copy that somebody legally purchased and are now selling off on eBay.


Like this: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=62053&item=8163845962&rd=1

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