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I can never get used to the #$$%^&bugs!! (spoilers maybe)

Guest garyah99

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Guest garyah99

So I said to myself, "There's XWA sitting over there on the shelf, why not blow the dust off and play it?" I'm at the mission where Cupalo has stolen the shuttle and blown up the launch bay and you have to go after him in an A-Wing. Well, I stopped the shuttle, protected Storm Unit, and got a "Mission Succussful" message, but I only had about 1600 points. So I decided to hyper back and blow up a few more TIE's. Well, I destroyed ALL the TIE's and decided to go after the Star Destoyer and did so successfully. Imagine my surprise AND my anger when, upon watching thr glorious explosion of the ISD, all of a sudden my "Mission Succeed" message turned into a red "Mission Failed" because, apparently shuttle AA-23 was destroyed. How, I don't know, since it had hypered out via Storm Unit a half hour prior. Boy was I ticked!!! Now I have to play the silly mission over again because I did TOO well! mad.gif

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There could be a bug due to the goals of the shuttle, and the ISD.


There might be an event that if the shuttle docks with the ISD or the ISD is destroyed something happens.


Just chalk it up to poor game design since the Designers did not think you would be come a Fighter wing unto yourself

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What, you think you can just blow up the ISD Imperator and get away with it!? That was the first ship of the ISD Class I'll have you know, you can't just make it go boom and not expect any consequences!


BTW, yup, did that, quite annoying really.





...A battered and bloody Chewie regained his footing, stood up high on a pile of rubble, and faced the descending moon with arms upraised and a defiant roar.

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Guest Fondas

At least, what happened to you was something that it wouldn't happen if you kept to the beaten track.


Imagine my surpise when I encountered what looked like a random bug !

When I was chasing Kupalo, he unleashed the homing mines and I couldn't destroy them, head on ! I though "my marking is a little off" but that wasn't the case ! I kept shooting at them and they were behaving like nav buoys ! The fifth time I replayed the mission, everything was fine!!! rolleyes.gif



"No matter how pretty the bait,

a hook is still a hook !"


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